I remember the same things being said about the Eowyn statue when the photos first hit. I do not here the same thing being said of her now. We all know the statues are all much better than the photos ever are.
To be blunt, it looks like Faramir's charge to Osgiliath and they interchanged riders or they used Faramir's pose to depict Aragorn.
For some of us it doesnt matter because we love the book and we dont mind if it does or doesnt look like the actor, aslong as it looks great.
... it looks like Faramir's charge to Osgiliath and they interchanged riders or they used Faramir's pose to depict Aragorn...
Really, discussing likeness is stupid. Some don't care like me if it captures what you feel about the character while some do. To me this piece kicks ass and I really have no gripes about it.