Are prices getting out of control?

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if SS or hot toys (or anyone really) raised thier prices another 20% next year, are ya still buying?
can't afford it ortiz. i'm very selective what i buy now with the current increase.
I was gonna get some of the gi joes figs til I saw the price...:horror

I hear that!
Snake eyes is a total rip off.
99- for the cobra trooper is too much, but i did get cobra commander, he just looked too cool.
Yes, prices are crazy now. I remember when you could get a great 12" figure for $40. Now you need to pay $140 (or more) to get a great 12 " figure! Sheesh!

I remember when the PFs started up and thought nobody would pay those kinds of prices for a figure! Now PFs aren't that much more expensive than a Hot Toys 12" figure. The T-600 is almost $200! :google

I sure hope prices start to settle again, or go lower. If they keep going up, people aren't going to get as many as they used to, no matter the quality.
I feel some prices are justified. case in point, the SS GI Joe line, I think 115 for snake eyes is a decent price, considering the level of accessories he has, plus who knows how much they had to pay for the license. the other factor is that over all quality of the figures are increasing a great amount from year to year, and it's not getting cheaper to make these figures. look at SS, compare snake eyes to their earlier figures, he's on a level all his own. but if the prices continue to clime, I will definitely scale back on the figures I buy, which only now, I buy maybe 5 or 7 a year, and then on top of it, I sell 2 or 3 a year to try and keep my collection balanced.
I feel some prices are justified. case in point, the SS GI Joe line, I think 115 for snake eyes is a decent price, considering the level of accessories he has, plus who knows how much they had to pay for the license. the other factor is that over all quality of the figures are increasing a great amount from year to year, and it's not getting cheaper to make these figures. look at SS, compare snake eyes to their earlier figures, he's on a level all his own. but if the prices continue to clime, I will definitely scale back on the figures I buy, which only now, I buy maybe 5 or 7 a year, and then on top of it, I sell 2 or 3 a year to try and keep my collection balanced.
IMHO i think snake eyes is a real easy fig to do, they didnt need to throw in all the accessories they did(i think it was only to juice the price).
Id rather they scaled back all the guns and stuff and made him a more affordable 80(which is still too much) and offer accessory packs or something if i wanted to go hog wild. I dont need 50- worth of accessories packed in with snake eyes for him to be cool...
We are at fault. We want the best and that costs money to make. I was fine with several of the SS $50 figures. They weren't the best, they may have had issues, but they were good enough.

I used to preorder what I wanted and kept it till it shipped. Recently I've preordered only things I was for sure I like and for the first time started canceling some preorders. Toht got the axe as did the Utapau Clone Trooper. Sillything Iron Man will prolly go too. He is a kewl figure, but do I really want to spend $200 for him or get two SS Joes?

If it comes down to it, SS GIJOE would be my main interest followed with select Star Wars and various Hot Toys figures.

As always, "A man's got to know his limitations"
12" figure prices are way out of control. Hot Toys retail here in Australia for $300 (Aus). I've worked less than 3 months of the year and have had to re-access what I buy. Iron Man Mark III ($220 Aus) and Subway's Jack Nicholson from the Shining ($160 Aus) are the only 2 figures I've bought this year... and they are awesome!!! I'd love to add HT Hellboy, but can't justify it for a character I only "like". 2 Face is a perfect example of an over priced figure. IMO he really shouldn't retail for anymore than $80 US... apart from the 2 sculpts, he's just a pretty standard figure with few accessories.

Some of the Modern Horror Figures are still my favourites (Remake Leatherface, Jason Part 3, DW Freddy to name a few) and only at a fraction of the cost of figures in today's 12" market. Ahhhh... the good old days :)
We have come a long way the high-end 12" figure line. Even a couple of years ago, we wouldn't expect to see such quality in any toy.. and with that the prices have nowhere to go but up. Especially in the ever so changing economy, a lot of companies need to make cuts and cut corners somewhere. That's not to say I'm happy with the increases, I'm just giving the companies the benefit of the doubt in acknowledging no one has it easy in these tough times. Needless to say, price hikes suck bigtime and I've had to cut back a lot this past yr.
Although even a few years ago there were $300+ figures from companies like CRM. Although these were very limited releases... but still the higher-high end 1/6 market has been around for a bit; just seems like now the main companies are catching on.
"A man's got to know his limitations"

:lecture I stopped collecting SS and Medicom. IMO the qualty of their figures didn't justify the rising cost. HT is more expensive but I like the growth in product from a quality, a research and development and a licensing standpoint. Therefore, I pay more for figure but I am overall more pleased with the product.

I have been intigued with SS trooper and joe line but thus far resisted. I enjoy those figs thru fellow freaks pics.
Honestly I've been pretty happy with the price/quality of figures I've been buying recently. Although I have stayed away from Medicom... but both Sideshow and HT seem to about right on when it comes to getting what you pay for. Sideshow definitely has room for improvement, but in general I don't have a lot of complaints.
sometimes i think they are rising too fast, but then a piece will come out like the Species Sil maquette which is beautifully sculpted with clear overlays and one of the best factory paint-ups ever at only $249.

Yep, imo the best bang for your buck is buying statues. Average price for 1/6th these days is near the $100 or more if you go Hot Toys or Enterbay route. two and half figures can get you a 1/4 statue with way more detail and most times better quality in paint and production.
It's just going to get worse. Economic recession/depression brings inflation as a result of a de-vauled dollar. I have all but stopped my spending on this junk until I see some signs of necessities going back down. I.E.---ya gotta eat, have a plce to live, and gas to get to work. then maybe clothes. Somewhere waaaay down the list is worrying about whether or not I can buy a new action figure, model, statue, etc.
Marvel (and soon DC) raised their prices from $2.99 to $3.99 per comic on a lot of better selling titles. Why? Dollar aint what it used to be.:sick

yep! and the more they keep printing the dollar out of thin air,backed by nothing,your gonna see the U.S. dollar tank and de-value itself to the amount of toilet paper (except toilet paper will be worth more).hyper-inflation is coming and you havnt seen nothing yet