Are there Marvel characters you want to see in a movie just so they make a HT figure?

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You said: "I just don't see too many 3rd tier characters being relevant in movies" but most of the ones mentioned here have their own solo series so are not third tier.

But even if they were why do you think they would'nt make good films? What reasons?

IMO All characters have something that make them entertaining and relatable.

Where in my statement did I say they wouldn't make good films? I said

I just don't see too many 3rd tier characters being relevant in movies, let alone made HT figures of

Not being relevant in a movie and saying they wouldn't make good films are 2 totally different topics.
Okay okay, what do you mean by relevant though?

Using X-Men Last Stand as an example, IMO, some relevant characters were Beast, Iceman, Pyro, Angel. Not so relevant were Spike, Kid Omega, Jubilee. There characters could have easily been swapped out for other mutants without affecting the movie. IMO
Using X-Men Last Stand as an example, IMO, some relevant characters were Beast, Iceman, Pyro, Angel. Not so relevant were Spike, Kid Omega, Jubilee. There characters could have easily been swapped out for other mutants without affecting the movie. IMO

Okay i get you now, i was reffering to movies with the main characters not the superfluous interchangable background ones.

Iron Fist is a main character.
Nova is a main character
Moon knight is a main character

So they'd be automatic figures, they're friends/allies would be the supporting ones that might not be relevant for figures.

(I thought you were saying they would'nt be relevant for Marvel to make films from.)
With Marvel looking for their own studio resources I'm hoping they do some high quality TV films, cable or direct to DVD for characters that might not warrant feature film investments.

I'd like to have a Doctor Strange figure, Ant-Man, Luke Cage, Falcon, Shadowcat, etc.
^ see that would annoy me, some characters it could work for but for many they'd be undervaluing them and their fans.

Imagine you want to see your favourite character (main series character of course) on the big screen in a really well written and acted film and instead the character get's a crappy straight-to-DVD "film"

I'd rather the character goes without out than be done in an insultingly crap TV film or DVD-film.

But with that said, a HBO quality limited series could work for quite a few characters

I'd be excited for an Iron Fist (Deadwood/GOT budgetted) limited TV series, but i'd prefer a big cinema film.

^ thats gt the biggest chance considering Deadpool is getting his own film in 2014.

Hopefully it has zilch to do with the insult of Wolverine: Origins.

(p.s check my avatar)
Beta Ray Bill
Grendel Prime (Not a marvel Character)
Xtreme Xmen Psylocke (with the lightning bolt on her face)
Xtreme Xmen Sage (With Glasses and Holograms)
Daredevil pretty much sucked but Id really love to have an HT version of him! I thought they hit it outta the park with that costume...too bad about the rest of the film.