You know that one too/Mod
I will just wait until Gamestop is flooded with trade ins and get it cheap.
I will just wait until Gamestop is flooded with trade ins and get it cheap.
Yeah I've noticed 1989 Batman gets a lot of love. It's a great movie (I seriously need the Hot Toys of him and Joker), but with Batman murdering people...how are people fine with that? Batman stresses about how much he does not kill, and many iterations of him stress this fact. People do go berserk over the flaws in Nolan's films but I'm guessing maybe it's since some of them hate how they're overlooked by critics or something, idk. Maybe it's since critics and average people prefer this to the old movies, or since people tend to lump the Burton films with Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. Who knows? But I like the trilogy for what it is, along with the Burton films. Though Batman Returns at times is way too weird and has more Burton influence than Batman influence compared to the first.
Still not sure about Ground Zeroes. I really don't know about this, and I seriously need to look into that 5 minutes thing. I do think it needs a lot more though, and a smaller price drop.
The reason Batman 89 and the Christopher Reeve Superman movies are held in such high regard, despite having major problems is that they were both pioneers in the superhero genre. People nitpick of Lex Luthor being goofy and that Superman could turn back time, but they didn't realized that the producers and directors weren't required to take the movie seriously but they did as much as they could. The budget was ramped to about $50 million (about $300 million today) which is was unheard of for a "kids" cartoon character. Same thing about Batman, there was no serious Batman outside the comics at the time.
The reason these two movies works so well is that they both have a heart of gold flaws and all, and the tone was spot on. Superman was a bright, hopeful person who is ha better person than us, unlike the train wreck that was Man of Steel. Batman 89 was dark, moody and used the visuals and music to create an otherworldly experience and doesn't have the pretentiousness nature of the Nolan Batman movies, in which every character always has a grandiose speech in hand, those movies tend to leave little left to the imagination and instead spoon feed every single notion Nolan has in his mind.
Not so say the Nolan Batman movies are bad, I like them fine, it's just I can't into them. But I do hate Man of Steel with a passion though. And for the record, my favorite Batman movie of all time is Mask of the Phantasm.
Nolan's Batman films are like
Metal Gear games in that sense haha
i love those thematic speeches they give though.
I still love The first Superman movie, can watch it everyday and Really enjoy it. Batman 89 is still good but some things just don't hold up quite as well. Scenes with Joker dancing all over the place while Prince music is playing is a bit weird for me now.
Even though Nolan's Batman films are very serious and are a unique take on the comics, they keep the spirit and intentions of who and what the characters are in tact pretty well. I find Begins, and Rises to be very inspirational films. They have heart.
MOS on the other hand, just felt so bland and bleak. It was soulless. I like Cavill as Superman, but he didn't have much to work with in my opinion. Snyder rarely bring out the best on his actors.
I'm hoping for the best for the new one, I have a strange feeling it might be good.
Mask of the Phantasm I still have on VHS by the way, I still love the case it came in. It is easily the best animated film I ever seen.
I don't get why super hero films HAVE to be "dark" and "moody" the reason I love the Avengers and Iron Man etc is because its fun, life is serious enough without films been depressing, Man of Steel and Nolan Batman's to me were just BORING, OK I love Batman Begins but 2/3 were just awful to me, Ledger was useless as was Hardy as Bane, I'm not mad into the other Superman's and Batman's but IMO Superman Returns was the best Superman movie and yes I also enjoy Batman Forever and Batman and Robin because they are a laugh, bit of crack not all depressing and serious.![]()
I read that's for the "physical" copy of GZ.
Of course, we still don't have any info on a physical release of this in the state (or elsewhere, for that matter).
I don't prefer one over the other, as long as the movie is good. I am not thrilled with what Marvel is doing. I don't mind fun, action adventure films, but their writing isn't the best. I don't know how an adult can go watch Iron Man 3 and be okay with Stark making jokes even after he thinks Pepper is dead. A lot of what marvel puts in their films these days is comparable to the Transformer films. What Separates the two?
Iron Man 1 was great because it was really fun, but didn't forget when to be serious. Same for Thor 1.
Avengers to
Me, was really boring when their wasn't any action. The writing and dialogue is just extremely poor.
Superman Returns was my favorite superman film as well. Would have loved to see that universe continued, but at least it's a perfect ending to the Donner films as well.
So unless I'm wrong:
$40, retail, for current gen consoles.
$30, Digital download, for current gen consoles.
$30, retail, for last gen consoles.
$20, digital download for last gen consoles.
Free is your neighbor loves MGS.
All this and Konami never once hinted of the game being this short. Talk about false advertisement.
So unless I'm wrong:
$40, retail, for current gen consoles.
$30, Digital download, for current gen consoles.
$30, retail, for last gen consoles.
$20, digital download for last gen consoles.
Free is your neighbor loves MGS.
All this and Konami never once hinted of the game being this short. Talk about false advertisement.
Yup, I feel like Kojima hinted at it several times. I think there was an interview where he was comparing it to the MGS2 tanker
Not only false advertising, but I think this is the most "over-hyped" demo in gaming history.
The pricing for the digital copies are wrong enough. Of course, I wouldn't fault anyone who wants to pick it up at release (I'd like to discourage them, of course). But, anyone who's willing to spend in upwards of $40 on this, seriously needs to re-evaluate their life priorities.
Dude, don't need to be be cryptic about the features of your f'ing product! It's like buying an apartment and when you ask how big it is and if there is running water, all the agent could do is wink. We're paying for this aren't we? Why not come clean from day one?
For that amount you can get the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Special Edition on the very same day GZ is out.![]()