Do you want Kojima to make more MGS games?

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Do you want Kojima to make more MGS games?

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I wish there was some way that I could express my distain for Hideo Kojimas food photos. They're so boring. I go on his Twitter page to see up and coming things that he's doing and I get to watch food. So irrelevant and vain.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

"I'll decide what to pass on!"
This is probably the most relevant post i've read. I was pretty young and impressionable when i first played MGS1.

It pretty much set me up with what i was going to like in videogames. I feel kinda thankful i was born when i was, i feel i got into the best games in terms of actual games, no personal preference involved.

MGS, RE, FF were my thing

I was 19 when MGS1 was released. I loved the original on the NES, and it was actually one of the first games I bought with the NES (Batman was the other). After playing the likes of the RE series, FF7, and some other great games I still believe MGS1 was one of the biggest defining moments in video game history.
Oh hell no! I love Kojima as much as the next guy, but there's plenty of ways to screw up the Batman mythology at the slightest misstep. Kojima doesn't seem like an American a comic book nerd.

I was being sarcastic lol. Kojima is good at what he does, but there's no way that I'd want him to touch Batman. Not ever :panic:
Guys, it was just a joke. I didn't really want you to talk about Batman.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.


I wish there was some way that I could express my distain for Hideo Kojimas food photos. They're so boring. I go on his Twitter page to see up and coming things that he's doing and I get to watch food. So irrelevant and vain.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

I'll add it as a poll option the next time, bro :1-1:
I was 19 when MGS1 was released. I loved the original on the NES, and it was actually one of the first games I bought with the NES (Batman was the other). After playing the likes of the RE series, FF7, and some other great games I still believe MGS1 was one of the biggest defining moments in video game history.

I was only 10! fifteen years on and it's still better than any other

Same can be said about pretty much all games form that era though i suppose
I wish there was some way that I could express my distain for Hideo Kojimas food photos. They're so boring. I go on his Twitter page to see up and coming things that he's doing and I get to watch food. So irrelevant and vain.

Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.

I hate anyone that does this. I'd like to actually meet a person who likes to look at other peoples food for enjoyment. Tell um straight
:lecture Yes to all of this. MGS3 is easily may favorite because of the Cold War setting, but I'll definitely throw it under the bus for having some of the wall moments. MGS1 will always be the game that made me realize what gaming is all fun and immersion in every aspect of the game.

I voted for Kojima to keep the games rolling. If Konami wants to keep making them, and people keep buying them then I'm cool with it. I just really, really NEED the original Metal Gear games remade sometime.

I have to say that I'm a bit conflicted on this issue (and it's ironic since I created this thread :lol). I really want those remakes of the original Metal Gears, too. But, I wouldn't have minded if MGS took a hiatus, to allow Kojima to work on something else. I think that Konami is just interested in cashing MGS as the most profitable franchise that's available to them, and they don't give a darn about creating anything new.

To think, that the only non-MGS game that Kojima has ever worked on in recent years was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow :gah:.
I don't think he will be able to leave MGS unless he truly bastardised the franchise. That's why i chose to produce

I have to say that I'm a bit conflicted on this issue (and it's ironic since I created this thread :lol). I really want those remakes of the original Metal Gears, too. But, I wouldn't have minded if MGS took a hiatus, to allow Kojima to work on something else. I think that Konami is just interested in cashing MGS as the most profitable franchise that's available to them, and they don't give a darn about creating anything new.

To think, that the only non-MGS game that Kojima has ever worked on in recent years was Castlevania: Lords of Shadow :gah:.
I don't think he will be able to leave MGS unless he truly bastardised the franchise. That's why i chose to produce

I don't think it's really a viable option for Kojima to take a hands-off approach to MGS. He tried it with MGS Rising, and we all know the story of what happened; KojiPro didn't live up to his expectations, and he was forced to hand over the project Platinum for development. Not to mention, that the original script that KojiPro had planned was dumbed down, so that Platinum could add their own liberties to the gameplay. So, even though many MGS fans keeping insisting that Rising is a true MGS game - I just can't accept it.

I'm willing to bet that Konami/Kojima didn't want to repeat history for a second time. After all, since the hand-over of Rising, Konami has to share a wazoo of profit with another company (Platinum), for a game that they should have developed themselves.

There are so many conjectures that I can come up with until I'm blue in the face. But, the one thing that seems pretty obvious to me, is that KojiPro can't function without Kojima at the helm. As long as the MGS games are continuously released, Kojima will have to be there to micromanage things and ensure that his underlings aren't screwing anything up. But, all things aside, it's such a credit to his leadership abilities.
I was being sarcastic lol. Kojima is good at what he does, but there's no way that I'd want him to touch Batman. Not ever :panic:

My bad, sorry. :slap It's hard to tell what's real anymore since the David Hayter issue that I take anything at face value! I need a drink.

If Kojima ever did do Batman, I need another drink.
I really need that interview on why Kojima needs another BB game, and his excuse of firing David Hayter on the GT interview seems like an afterthought at best. I remember the days when Kojima actually discussed his purpose on making MGS2/3. Nowadays it's a whole lot different.

I really need that interview on why Kojima needs another BB game, and his excuse of firing David Hayter on the GT interview seems like an afterthought at best. I remember the days when Kojima actually discussed his purpose on making MGS2/3. Nowadays it's a whole lot different.


He hasn't sounded truly enthusiastic about the creation of a MGS game since MGS2 in my opinion. Nowadays he's sounds about as excited washing dishes.
He hasn't sounded truly enthusiastic about the creation of a MGS game since MGS2 in my opinion. Nowadays he's sounds about as excited washing dishes.

Yeah. I was digging my old PSM magazines and boy they had many great interviews with Kojima. Good times.
I can't accept Rising as a true Metal Gear game either D:
But I believe Kojima is not excited for a MG anymore since it became a business matter for him and Konami. Maybe he have lost love for the franchise, whatever it is, GZ/TPP is his last shot for my fanboyism, if it fails I have to move on. Or at least to look away until Solid Snake comes back. Or maybe I won't do anything lol