Super Freak
Cool! Thanks for the heads up, NYN!
No problemo
Cool! Thanks for the heads up, NYN!
meh, im kind of over JSC with his endless reissues of popular supposedly "limited" prints.
you either like the art or you don't. shouldn't buy it because it's limited, right?
meh, im kind of over JSC with his endless reissues of popular supposedly "limited" prints.
MJ by romitamy fav marvel babe and thankfully Hughes,campbell,Ross and tim sale keep very faithful to romita's look
I don't agree. Look at classic Michel Turner art prints that were limited to runs of 75-100 copies. At least when he re-released the same print he changed the color schemes. JSC just takes out/adds in embroidery on the spine and calls it a day. In the long run it's the fans who feel depreciated because of how they spent all the time and energy in getting a specific print (like at SDCC) but then having someone else simply order the same looking prints online with the ease of clicking a button. You also take away the trading card aspect to it all where one person who has one color scheme would want to trade it for another color scheme that another person was able to get.
I look back at how I got all my Turner prints and the fun (and agitation) there was in getting the specific color scheme I wanted. They are all limited, the ones with the same line art differ enough from each other due to the coloring which gives them uniqueness, and overall fans were given choices on which prints they liked better than others. I think JSC just doesn't really get (or care to get) how fans want something unique of his for their own and he just throws out one collectible in bulk at them thinking that no one fan of his is being treated better than another. But maybe that's just the fact that unlike Turner JSC doesn't have an entire comic company of his own to manufacture and help create these prints/collectibles.
don't think this year's SDCC prints are "limited", but i do get what you're saying on reissuing the art prints. he just wants to make them available for everyone...probably make more money in doing so too. you either like the art or you don't. shouldn't buy it because it's limited, right?
If that is the case, then as the artist, show some respect to your FANS and not make it a limited run of "only" 50 in the first place and charge a premium price for it. Then when you realize the demand, you make another "limited enchanted" run of "only" 50 and STILL charge a premium. Repeat this step a couple more times and throw in some black and white only....then call it a day with making it 11 x 17 on different paper.
JSC compared doing this to comics having multiple runs done. but one major thing he fails to realize is that when you buy a comic, most times they are not limited to a certain number. If they sell out fine, no number was established beforehand so a second printing is fine.
Ive just never seen such disrespect for fans and greed from an artist before. It just left me with a sour taste in my mouth and leaves me with little to no desire to give that person any more of my hard earned money. What it boils down to is essentially paying for a premium price for a piece of paper that is being printed and churned out at a kinkos.
Think about how much $$$$$ Adam Hughes or Mondo could make by re-issuing hot selling prints. But they DONT. Why?? Because it is LIMITED. period.
I think if you were an artist for a Nash, you would have a far different definition of what 'hard earned cash' is really all about.
I think your arguments are a bit weak in that all you seem fixated on is the fact that something may not be as limited as you wish it to be.
To me this sounds like a capitalist point of view rather than the point of view of someone who loves art.
Have a moan by all means but to go on about like you are here speaks volumes of where are really coming from.
Then Sideshow should re-release every statue it has ever make with no Edition size
Are you comparing a 30-50 dollar print from one sole guy to a 300 buck statue produced by a company with massive profits?
but the limited prints can sell for good money... besides JSC makes good money and hes just greedy
Do you know how much he earns then?
"Good money" is highly speculative. What an artist defines as "good money" is rather different than a lawyer shall we say.
But you have answered my question as to weather you are a money lover or an art lover.
I like art.. im an artist myself... but he over charges ($1500 for a commission... and i dont think he donates it to good causes like AH!)... hes one of my favorite artists but if you have a limited run of prints dont reprint thousand and dont change it (change the coloring or sumthing(just lazy)
I ain't gonna dump on a fellow artist because he reruns a 30 buck print!
Tis petty.
so then he shouldnt do a limited run in the first place... tis stupid