new cesar gaspar fathom commission layout

Lookin good Ink! But you gotta have some appendage on her that's turning into water, don't you? I've always wanted to see her hair turning at the end tips, but maybe that's more of a coloring issue than a sketching issue. . .
In my own good news, my DeBalfo commission just arrived in the mail and it looks awesome! What I can't decide on now is how to get it inked. Do I have someone ink a copy of it, have someone ink the piece itself, who should I use, what questions should I ask the inker, etc etc. I think I'm gonna wait until the comic cover is published to get an idea of what Mike see's in this image and what he's gonna ask of the inker and colorist to do with it before I make my own move
I don't really see the harm in sending the notice of want for restitution, but I'd advise you to word it VERY carefully and not expect much (if anything) in reply, except perhaps some vitriol. He'll likely cry foul. The sad fact is that you have a very shaky legal leg to stand on in that regard- no written contract was drafted and the deal was made under unverifiable circumstances. The bond of one's word doesn't count for much these days, y'know?
OR! You can reply to his FB post like so:
It's really fantastic to see you think that way. So I can expect that sketch I paid $160 for last year anytime now, right? Because, y'know, you're loathe to be hypocritical and all... right? Alternatively, I'll accept a refund.
Put him on the spot where everybody can see it. THAT would light a fire under his ass with a quickness and probably see some spectacular results.
or it could completely backfire and his friends & followers could jump you