I broke down and bought him. Missed out on the cheap price but $130 shipped on evilbay will have to do.
I broke down and bought him. Missed out on the cheap price but $130 shipped on evilbay will have to do.
No .
Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you the fully screen accurate M4.
Now, to finally put this project to sleep. I'm done. No more & I mean no more Punisher (at least War Zone) related stuff.
Thanks, & damn, Marco that was a crazy fast reply, I just posted. Damn, you got the speed of the Flash
No problem
Started with the M4 that came with the fig.
-Removed the sight & such at the front of the barrel
-Used the grenade launcher from a set of guns from Black Ops toys. You need to very carefully remove it. Take your time It's glued on really well. Then cut it down to size. Note-the tube will be to long, so after cutting it down, I used the piece that prevents the flash from coming out, sort of a fan piece.
-file down the ribs on the rails of the bottom of the M4 barrel so the grenade launcher will have a lot of surface contact to adhere to.
-Single side panels come from Monkey Depot (10 cents a piece)
-C-More from the Bale Terminator fig, can also use the one from Stalone's Expendables fig. Mine needed to be cut shorter.
-the RAP 4 is scratch built. it is a black bit off of a silencer, then cored out to fit at the end of the barrel. The rail type pieces come from some other gun I had laying around.
-just add silencer
-then masked off the gun & painted the grip & shoulder piece. Note-painted the single side panels before installing them.
That's it, oh, I think I need a drink. All the gluing little stuff has shattered my nerves
Please feel free to ask any questions
I wish I could, my hands shake after the brain surgery. Actually had to get some help gluing the stuff together. I honestly don't think my nerves could stand making another, this one nearly drove me to drinking (which I'm not supposed to do either)
I wish I could, really. I'm honestly sorry.