Art Figures AF-15 Heavy Armored Special Cop - He is the Law!

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Would Mr. Evilface have any decal designs, for this one?

Sure do!

sosososososossosoSO excited.

Most exciting thing in ages... I love Dredd. One of the best comic movies of all time. Instant cult classic. What the hell took so long? At least it looks great, accurate and will be a steal of a price. I hope Anderson can get made too.

That is is. DREDD rocks.
Pre-ordered from Cotswold Collectibles for $157.94 ($139.99 + shipping).

This figure is reasonable priced no matter where you pre order him but I have had nothing but positive experiences dealing with Timewalker and their pre order price is 136.99 and with shipping it came to $149.79. Great price and one of the owners Steven Allen personally emails you thanking you for your order with your receipt everytime. Nice online dealer and great prices.

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The comic was always more about the absurdity of the laws in Mega-City-One than showing Dredd's face. He was the epitome of a population so gigantic, a city so huge, the laws had become incredibly draconian, to discourage lawbreakers. In that situation, you never needed to see Dredd's face, as all he represented was a figurehead of the justice system itself.
Analysis of a Dredd episode from the comics:

Dredd is riding down a street, and a candy wrapper floats down in front of his bike. He picks it up in his gauntleted hand and looks at it, taking out a small device from his belt. He points the device at the wrapper and the device rattles off the name of the guy whose DNA is on the wrapper(Who of course stays in an apartment in the building Dredd is riding past). Dredd gets off his bike, goes into the block, and goes to the guy's apartment. The guy comes to his door to find Dredd there. Dredd confirms his identity and arrests him for littering, and sentences him to six months in the cubes, cuffing him and taking him down to the streets for a pickup(All lamp posts have little hooks where a Judge can call in an "arrest", then leave the perp for later pickup by a Pat-Wagon).
The guy who has six months jail time to look forward to is despondent as Dredd leaves him cuffed on the sidewalk to go back to his bike.
A couple of gawkers standing nearby look on in disgust. One guy says: "I can't believe it Dredd. It's just a piece of litter! Can't you let him go?"
Dredd responds: "The law is the law, citizen, i make no exceptions".
Gawker number one says: "I bet you make exceptions when it suits you. I *bet* you do!".
Dredd walks over, takes out a set of cuffs and puts them on the guy saying: "Betting is illegal, citizen. 12 months".
The guy pleads: "It was just a figure of speech, Dredd!!! I wasn't really going to bet!!"
Dredd pulls out a small device which flashes green so he takes off the cuffs and says: "Lie detector confirms your story. Choose your words more carefully next time, citizen".
Dredd gets on his bike and rides off.
Gawker number two says: "You think he was kidding?"
Gawker number one says: "I wouldn't bet on it..."


Years ago I read an interview by one of the original creators in they explained that they intended to create a dislikeable, fascistic character. And were surprised when readers took a massive liking to him instead!


He is the law!
ETA is everywhere for this figure. I just read July from my local shop.
loved the film. so under-appreciated by the general populace. and it was the robocop remake we never got.
so, although i'm moving away from 1/6 stuff, i'll happily make an exception for this figure.

i must admit i have zero experience with art figures. but the sculpt and the tailoring look pretty well-done.

also, i'd like to ask you guys here: do you think it's worth getting an extra piece? do you think a figure like this by this company will fetch good prices on the aftermarket? any advice/feedback would be much appreciated.
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I went ahead and ordered from 3 vendors. Timelost, eBay and monkey. Keeping the first and I'll unload the other two as the arrive.

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The Punishers picked up a pretty penny, but something like the Tears of the Sun Bruce didn't. Honestly it seems like anyone who wants one knows about it by now.
thanks hunterdnrc. so it sounds like this dredd piece might not be in such high demand on the aftermarket, eh.
Wonder what a usual production run is for Art Figures?

Getting the feeling that the Heavy Armoured Special Cop will be their biggest run yet, considering how many times retailers are having to order more so they can increase the number available to pre-order.


Armoured Cop smash all previous preorder records


Special cop has beaten Superman sales.

I ordered a second one this morning. Not for speculation but in case prices do rise later I'll have two to play with at the lower price.
I managed to snag the Hero Flash Bang prop from Propreplicas that was used by Urban in the film, five of these beauties should make a killer display for it.
Most exciting release in a while for me.
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