I have Boy Black. He's fine, not great, but he does have the mass produced refinement. Gotta tell ya though, I'll take the two I got from Brian over this any day.
Thanks, Ray

I have Boy Black. He's fine, not great, but he does have the mass produced refinement. Gotta tell ya though, I'll take the two I got from Brian over this any day.
Looks like my standard are higher than yours.
Your 3D printed necromongers look sharp, just whished yu would upgrade some of yur past work.
Especially after ive seen a perfectly 3D sculpted breather from a asian customizer.
Hes going to offer them soon.
Instead of acting like yu do yu should take critics as a good things.
Stop acting like yur doing people a favor (especially now that collectors have the awesome art figure) yur the one who need buyers...
Nice to hide behind a random non de plume... Julian Foessel/not-Julian Foessel - same thing! Lol
Who's looking respect? Your Toy Anxiety post proves my point: You're not part of a posse - but your mindset reeks of same same. From day one I pointed out how there are people on here who masqerade as 'fellow collectors' - your words - but basically they exist to rip off our creations for profit. Fact! A Random Drawing contest exists to promote their own agenda as well as get an idea what to re-make for profit - simple!
As for kit Chen I saw your Facebook drama[/B] not my drama... my idea got slowed down/changed beyond all recognition then another company used it for their profit - fact! My mistake for approaching someone like Kit Chen and thinking someone in 1:6 business had decency... Mea Culpa! Copyright keeps dishonest people honest.
No thanks needed.Thanks for mentioning me in a sentence with Elvis1976, Dorgmal Snow and even Tony Mei... great work!
Not the point.nice terms, but you completely ruin your own argument - cos Tony didn't invent Superman/Batman/Deadpool ; Dorgmal didn't invent Star Wars... need I go on?
Now im a fan of kit chen...You are a fan of Kit Chen but no mention of his reproducing ALL Hollywood actors - can't imagine there's ANY rights there, can you? - but cos Kit's product is CHEAP... buddy you smell STRONGLY of hypocrisy.
You said you make things by hand... to me you are all mouth and no show... Quick to criticise others' (as well as personalising verbal assaults) let's see your stuff and I'll tell you: who you copied off, where you got your parts and what level I rate your kitbashes... Time to take a critique instead of dishing, buddy!
Didn't use Boy Black - wash your mouth out - but mine's got the eyeshine look (always has had)
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LOL, art figures boy black is an alright figure. Not the best obviously. I do tip my hat to you sir for the work on these customs. I especially love the necro-monger armor. Its awesome, I wish I could afford to pick one up from you but unfortunately money has been tight lately with expanding the family.
added some gloss to really make the eyes shine and pop
Man jacerc130 those eyes looks awesome!
so I figured out how to get the mirror shine job for Riddick....didn't even cost me 20 menthol cools!!!
First pic is stock the next two are my repaint.