Hey Freaks-
Sorry I've been locked up in the dungeon up to my eye balls in projects!!! Thanks to all of you the company is really starting to take off in directions I didn't think would happen for a while.
First off I've been ill and trying to recover. It's been a long-dragged out process but I think I've reached the end of it!
Any Bits & Pieces orders that are late will be going out this week! My apologies!!
Second we're making zombies!!! I've been teasing about this for a little while now but the first of many prototypes will be raising their decrepit heads soon.
Third we're in the pre-production stages of our first stop-motion animation short. SHS begins filming in 4... count em'! 4 weeks!!! Very excited about this!!!
And SHS is finalizing our deal for the next licensed property which will be announced in October 2012! 
I'm working closely with the director of this film to make sure these figures and collectibles turn out to be the very best they can. This "director" is a idol of mine and I'm geeking out that I can just pick up the phone and have lunch with the guy!!! I'll drop a "hint" soon so not to leave you all hanging too long
And while juggling all this I'm working on.... FLUFFY!!!!

Just need to touch base and let you all in on the madness that has ensued upon me. And that lot's of great things are coming your way
Thanks for the support Freaks!!!
I really appreciate it~