You're not arguing. You're trolling. Go eat some dirt.funny how you always seem to resort to insults when arguing. that alone says more than a thousand words buddy ,
you might think you are insulting me, but if anything it says everything there is to know about you
but like I said, don't even change your crass, awful, disgusting ways. it is always good for a laugh
a : the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself
b : the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state, or fact
c : awareness; especially : concern for some social or political cause
: the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought : mind
: the totality of conscious states of an individual
: the normal state of conscious life <regained consciousness>
: the upper level of mental life of which the person is aware as contrasted with unconscious processes "
I can make this simple.
Man A is running down a hill. A tiger is running behind him.
Man B is running down another hill. A boulder is rolling behind him.
The tiger is chasing Man A. The boulder is not chasing Man B.
Do you understand?
I can make this simple.
Man A is running down a hill. A tiger is running behind him.
Man B is running down another hill. A boulder is rolling behind him.
The tiger is chasing Man A. The boulder is not chasing Man B.
Do you understand?
A rock has no sensors and does not respond because of them and so a rock is not conscious. A plant could be considered conscious of the sunlight as it reacts to it. Rocks do not react. Robots do. Being able to react to stimuli and not react when stimuli is not present is to be conscious of that stimuli.
It is only conscious of one thing.
A rock has no sensors and does not respond because of them and so a rock is not conscious. A plant could be considered conscious of the sunlight as it reacts to it. Rocks do not react. Robots do. Being able to react to stimuli and not react when stimuli is not present is to be conscious of that stimuli.
It is only conscious of one thing.
Putting sensors on the rock won't do anything, because rocks cannot respond.He did not understand.
Imagination deficit, please don't panic. Help is on the way in the next paragraph.
Put sensors on the rock (we'll ignore that the rock reacted to gravity). Connect them to things that will change the direction of the rock when the target moves. So now it's conscious?
I highly doubt a plant is conscious. For one, it can't do anything about the things it would observe. For two, the actions a plant takes are caused by chemical processes. Even though the plant is designed to pursue the end which is its life, all of its means of doing so are deterministic.
Actions in conscious animals that require no consciousness to operate (heartrate, respiration, cell metabolism, etc.) are classified as vegetative processes. There's a reason for that.
As for my, forget it.
thread rating went avatarD real quick.
Led Zep kills!?
A roomba is not conscious. This is crazy.