Asajj Ventress Premium Format Figure

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Just got this last night off the Bay for a really great price, AWESOME PF, Love it!!!! and who ever said it earlier that it is hard to get her skirt and Robe adjusted right, wasn't kidding!!!, Messy doesn't even begin to describe it.

Have a good one :)
I love it too !!!






Wow Coldfusion, my light saber did the same thing, I was putting the saber back in the left hand and the end of it chipped away just like yours.. I'm toing to try and glue it back on later. Also, I'm going to cut the skirt off and move it down then sew it back on, I'll post pics when I'm finished.
There some awesome pics, what a great looking PF. Gotta love that SW PF line, so unreal. So glad I gave up the 12 inch line for these.
I love it too !!!


Great Pics!!

Wow Coldfusion, my light saber did the same thing, I was putting the saber back in the left hand and the end of it chipped away just like yours.. I'm toing to try and glue it back on later. Also, I'm going to cut the skirt off and move it down then sew it back on, I'll post pics when I'm finished.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. The pieces were too small for my to glue back on. I was lucky enough to find someone who had an extra saber hand, so I have that coming in the mail! YAY!

There some awesome pics, what a great looking PF. Gotta love that SW PF line, so unreal. So glad I gave up the 12 inch line for these.

Why do so many people give up collecting the 12" line once they buy PF's? I love the 12" and still plan on collecting as much as I can from it.
i love this piece,
Though actually sold the exclusive, I do think the Exc head is cool, though the statue looks so beautiful with the regular head on, so decided id never display it with the exc so sold it on to someone who may want the options, I have the regular to replace it, though still stand firm (no pun intended!) that the Gentle Giant one is nicer.
a quick question for those that have the regular version of this PF - how many were produced - the exclusive is 500, but SS does not have the edition size posted on the regular edition???
I have been considering this one too; the prices haven't gone up too much.
My wife got me Asajj for Christmas! Woot!

However, I was bummed to find she had a big chip in one of her arm bands :(.

The first Sideshow piece I have ever gotten that was less than perfect. Luckily my wife bought Asajj directly from Sideshow, and I still have about 10 days for their guarantee. I already have contacted them and am working on getting a replacement. I live very close to them so UPS should be able to get it there in just a day or two at the most.

That's why buying from Sideshow is great.
Sideshow is awesome. :chew

After emailing them a couple quick pictures of the damage today, my replacement part is already on its way via UPS. Cool thing is I don't need to ship the rest of it back... which is fantastic since the statue is otherwise perfect. So when the new part comes I pop it on and I have a mint statue.

Just major kudos to Sideshow for quick and easy customer service and an excellent replacement policy!

One more question... is anyone displaying Asajj with her sabers lit? Since her hands and arms seem so delicate, I'm petrified to go jamming those sabers in with any force. I got the one in her left hand in... but I don't think all the way because it touches the table it is displayed on. I just feel like if I push any more... CRACK! And goodness.. I don't want that. I think I'm just going to display her with her saber hilts.
Oh sorry... didn't mean to say lit. I know they don't light up. Just meant with her saber blades attached.

I looked back in the thread and it appears that indeed most people's saber blade in her left hand touches the table it is displayed on or hangs over the shelf.

Living in Southern California, I'm always paranoid of earthquakes. I'm just afraid if we get a jiggler, and the statue rocks at all, if that blade gets pressure on it... snapo!

And man, there is a lot of fabric on this piece. The wire work in the cloak is insane. I'm going to display her without her cloak for now. She just displays a little neater and cooler I think. Maybe I'll put her cloak on for those cold So Cal winter's nights... lol....
Sweet gift you got there swabie. I'm glad Sideshow sent you a replacement part also without you having to send the whole thing back. It's nice to know that they'll do that. Also if you don;t know about it already, use Museum Wax to hold down your statues. I'm in So Cal and know all about the fear of quakes, so I use the Wax for my statues so they don't go falling off the shelves.
Thanks Havoc. I am certainly a museum wax fan! I'm just about to really start to finally get my display room set up the way I want it. Once I do that, I'll get my display cabinets secured to the wall and get the rest of my pieces secured with museum wax.

Let's all be really quiet and hope the "big one" doesn't hit between now and then!