Super Freak
Beautiful work pablo , this piece is amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats 

Sure, gotcha.
I wish they did light up though. Oh and Adam (DSC) has this for an unbeatable price! LINK
Hey everyone... I need some help. When I got my Asajj PF, the arm band on the saber hand had a big chip in it. Luckily, I got it from Sideshow and they sent me a replacement hand. However, the magnet inside the replacement hand seems "wrong" - the magnet is flush inside the socket - not raised like the positive end of a battery. The "flush" magnet doesn't make a firm cnnection. The piece barely "dangles" and holds on.
Here's a picture of comparison
So... which magnet is "correct"? Please let me know if you have a raised or flush magnet...
Thanks, Freaks!
why not get a tiny magnet and put it inside the hand, that way it makes the connection closer.
if that makes sense,
I just got one of these brand new but well below retail, quite happy. It's funny, I realize this is the case to some extent with any non-live-action characters but her appearance seems to vary more than anyone else's. From absolutely grotesque (in both cartoon versions) to downright alluring (comics, a couple of the SS heads). Yeah I said it.