Super Freak
Must haves are definitely Marion and Sallah... ( Raiders Sallah, not LC Sallah).. as for Marion.. that seems to be a pretty debatable topic as to what version.. I am for Nepal bar Marion.. to me that is the quintessential version.. that is when she was at her best.. tough, salty, in charge... plus PLENTY PLENTY PLENTY of potential for accessories... medallion, shot glass, mauser pistol, burning log to bludgeon thugs, cigar box for her money, liquor bottle... just a lot of stuff they could do there.. what would Cairo marion have.. just a monkey and a pan.. zzzzz... and well of souls marion.. well.. she could have the airplane wheel chocks, torch, but thats about it..
After them Mola Ram is needed...then Shorty from TOD.. I'd love to see a generic TOD thuggie guard.. but that is a serious stretch and really not too difficult to undertake as a custom...
LC needs an Elsa in the final scenes Nazi garb... ( false grail as an accessory ) KOTCS obviously needs Spalko and Mac.. ahhh the list could go on and on
Oooh yea, Raven Bar Marion would be fantastic. I'd take a Mola Ram and Indy from TOD but that's about it I think, and they'd have to be pretty fantastic. Like I said TOD ain't my favourite Indy film, in fact I'd probably go so far as to say KOTCS just edges it (I did say just) IMO. So from all the films my wants are:
Raven Bar Marion
Indy (rope bridge version with ripped shirt sleeve)
Mola Ram
Indy (jacket with working mini-zip so he can have that half open look)
Elsa final scene Nazi outfit
Marcus Brody
Grail Knight (extreme long shot!)
Mac (just 'cos it's Ray Winstone)