Ask Sideshow LOTR Q&A's

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Mouth of Sauron with how awesome the horse looked on screen I think is a must for a rider piece. I agree though that its odd that Rohan has yet to get a statue with a person on a horse. Maybe we get Theoden on Snowmane.
I'm just really happy Eomer is going to be coming. That's one character that has always been overlooked in every line.

I would of preferred him on Firefoot, but this is fine.

MoS on steed is pretty much the way to go, IMO.
I know these Q&A's have been posted elsewhere, but I figure they should be posted in the official Q&A thread as well. I am very pleased that SS has chosen to answer these questions, and even moreso that they have provided sneak peeks of both amazing characters, esp. Sauron as this is our first ever glimpse of the Dark Lord. :yess: Thanks SS! :clap

Monday, June 20th, 2011

Question : Sideshow, it was almost 22 month’s ago [July 9th, 2009] that you first made mention of a Ringwraith Premium Format as being “in the works”. While you have made reference to it numerous times since 2009 [9 to be exact] in your Q&A section, we have yet to even see so much as an “in progress” sneak peek of this much anticipated Premium Format. I think I can safely say that LOTR collectors have been more than patient in going so long without even a glimpse of this statue. So how about rewarding that patience with a sneak peek to tide us over until it is finally released?

Answer : Indeed, it has been in design and development that long. You have indeed been patient, and we’re sincerely glad for your question and the excuse to share a teaser with you! This image is a bit older, and the sculpture has progressed quite a bit in the time since – but it gives you a sense of the monstrosity.

Monday, June 20th, 2011

Question : We are all aware of the Sauron Premium Format scheduled for 2012. We are also aware of the fact the piece will be based on the incredible artwork of Jerry Vanderstelt. Topping Jerry’s representation may be next to impossible, but I’m sure Sideshow will do everything possible to do justice to this iconic character. Are you up for the task?–AND–When are we going to get our first glimpse of the Dark Lord?

Answer : Sculpture is well under way, and shaping up VERY nicely. He’s OMG huge. We’ll make no such promise as ‘topping’ Jerry’swork, as he’s already top notch, but we’ll definitely do Sauron justice. This is THE Dark Lord.
Some updates across the LOTR licenses, but nothing too groundbreaking. The Ringwraith on Steed is strongly hinted at for the Premium Format line, Boromir maquette isn't going to get a switch out portrait (bummer) and some Rohan and Uruk maquettes will be coming somewhere down the line. Did I miss anything? It has been quiet in the land of LOTR!
Some good info. I know at comic-con I gave some ideas I would like to see with the hobbits and some rohan characters.
Some updates across the LOTR licenses, but nothing too groundbreaking. The Ringwraith on Steed is strongly hinted at for the Premium Format line, Boromir maquette isn't going to get a switch out portrait (bummer) and some Rohan and Uruk maquettes will be coming somewhere down the line. Did I miss anything? It has been quiet in the land of LOTR!

I wish we could get a timeline for a PO. All I can say is after all this time I'm expecting a PF of "special magnificence".
Actual Q and A's that Seaward summarized:

Friday, September 30th, 2011

Q;Hello everybody, I am a huge fan and a collector of the Premium Formats and my question is do you intend to do more Lord of the Rings Premium Formats, and if you do what characters will be?

A: Keep an eye out for mysterious, dark, hooded figures with lovely singing voices. They see me rollin’, they hatin’.

Q: The Boromir maquette looks stunning and the only thing I can possibly think of to make this masterpiece even better would be the addition of a 2nd headsculpt. A closed-mouth headsculpt that more resembles the conceptual artwork the maquette is based on. A headsculpt that most collectors believe would go perfectly with the ‘sword down’ switch-out arm. What do you say SS…is a 2nd headsculpt something you would consider adding to this marvelous maquette?

A: What you see is what you get, with regard to the Boromir Statue. We agree, it’s a LOT of fun to have the different emotive options, with heads and arms, and we’re in the midst of a very active conversation about how to provide the best options within each product.

Q: Hi, could you tell us is there any chance of Rohan Royal guards will ever be made in any scale?

A: That’s a tough call. They’re maybe a little too obscure for the PF line, and we’ll have to see how deep fans want to go with the Statue series. We love them too. The costume work is INCREDIBLE.

Q: Hi, I was looking at your pre-orders for Legolas / Gimli / Gandalf Maquettes and had an idea. Unlike a lot of previous LOTR items that sell out very quickly, why don’t you do more characters that haven’t been done that collectors would love to see made? For instance, I can’t believe that your not even considering statues like Haldir/Denethor / Skully, and with nothing of Gondorians or Rohirrims. What about Wargs riders and any other riders? I would just like an answer as to why not? Are you prejudice against such statues?

A: We are, in fact, considering MANY characters for the LOTR statue line! Especially the Rohirrim dudes, we’ll be taking a ride with them at some point. We start off new lines with strong, well known characters, so that the line can seed and sprout and grow, and have the best shot at longevity.

Q: Hi, will you be making any Uruk Hai Maquettes in a Helms Deep style pose?

A: We are brewing some rad designs for more Orcs, both Uruk and regular.
Q: Hi, will you be making any Uruk Hai Maquettes in a Helms Deep style pose?

A: We are brewing some rad designs for more Orcs, both Uruk and regular.

Im pretty excited about this. Looking forward to it.
Well, considering Sideshow's complete neglect of anything and everything LOTR, at least this QA makes a passing mention of the PF line...

Q.Is it possible to start making name plates for the base of Star Wars Premium Formats, like you do with the LotR Premium Formats? I was pretty excited about the Aayla Secura until I saw the bland base it stands on. The bases for the LotR are on a whole different level and I think the other franchises would benefit from this. Thanks!!

A. You wouldn’t believe the internal arguments about name plates. While we agree that they can look really classy, as in the case of The Lord of the Rings line, they can also start to feel redundant. It usually comes down to design. If it can be incorporated in a subtle, complementary way, then yay! Otherwise [...]
What promises have been made so far that have been broken? Some of you are really over reacting and coming across as if you want something to complain about. All of us that are fans of lotr are seriously wanting some news and each newsletter or production blog day without it stinks. News will come though I have no doubts.
What promises have been made so far that have been broken? Some of you are really over reacting and coming across as if you want something to complain about. All of us that are fans of lotr are seriously wanting some news and each newsletter or production blog day without it stinks. News will come though I have no doubts.

The promise that there would be 2 to 3 PF releases per year for starters, and then that part of the reason they were so excited about getting back into the statue/maquette line was to be able to offer more varied and quicker releases for collectors... 1 PF release in over 12 months and 1 maquette in nearly 6 months doesn't quite fit the bill as to what we were promised no matter how hard you try to spin it. Those are facts, not complaints.
What promises have been made so far that have been broken? Some of you are really over reacting and coming across as if you want something to complain about. All of us that are fans of lotr are seriously wanting some news and each newsletter or production blog day without it stinks. News will come though I have no doubts.

they should at least gave an update by now, a simple onliner "the next lotr maq is been worked on" would suffice.

this complete silence, especially after so many of us sent in questions asking, is a big slap in the face.

i read somewhere (think from your link josh), sideshow explicitly promised they will complete the fellowship for the 1:5 series.
Josh with respect and with all the education in the world, but I find Chaber is absolutely right.

I do not understand this new policy regarding online Sideshow LOTR, but I understand that defends the position of Sideshow but you also understand there are many collectors who are tired of not receiving any news from them.

Do not forget that the PF line takes more than a year without any Preorder, for instance.

Sorry but I sound as it should, because my English is pretty bad.
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