No socket, just a hallow boot.
He does have ears, their just buried in hair and glue.
No boot sockets? What a bizarre corner to cut.
Good to hear he has ears, though!
No socket, just a hallow boot.
He does have ears, their just buried in hair and glue.
... love his ring....
Uh oh... well I can't say I'm surprised.
I knew the real hair would not look a fraction as good as the prototype. What I'm shocked by is the paint.
Asmus has improved in paint a lot lately of you look at guys like The Hangman. But this paint looks almost worse than the original!
I didn't know that the original paint was bad? Huh, things you learn on this board.
It was pretty bad yes, almost everyone agreed. and almost every time someone customized this head it was radically changed by paint improvements. Proving that the lack of likeness lied deeply in the paint not the sculpt.
It was super dark and lacked detail and the eyes were sloppy (something Asmus has improved lately as well) also the eyebrows shape and color were totally wrong (looks like that carried forth on this new one too) and the beard growth pattern color and consistency totally inaccurate (looks like they tried to address that here but it just looks really amateurish and unrealistic how it's painted)
Their prototype head was really well done and they mentioned they had taken greater strides to maintain consistency from prototype. Sadly from the pictures I've seen here the hair styling and materials look no more improved from the last few figures they have done nor does the paint.
I'm not surprised, this is why I had no hesitation to rework my original head as opposed to waiting for this new one to drop.