Asmus Toys : Aragorn thread

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Yeah one of my wrist pegs broke. Does anyone know where we can get replacements? I'm surprised they don't include any extra pegs in the box to be honest.
Yeah one of my wrist pegs broke. Does anyone know where we can get replacements? I'm surprised they don't include any extra pegs in the box to be honest.

I messaged Asmus on Facebook with pics of my broken peg and broken sword. They asked for my address and said they would send replacements. Haven't received anything yet but it was only a couple of weeks ago.
Great news on including spare pegs in the future. I think that should be a standard across all 1/6 companies. Most of the little hand pegs are potential weak spots and when figures cost so much it is s shame that you can render your figure useless by one snap when switching hands.
Aragorn was again delayed from Sideshow. Got an email saying it's been pushed back to FEBRUARY now. Holy crap, I'm annoyed. If I didn't have 2 of the 3 flex pays already done, I would cancel and buy it from literally anyone else.
Aragorn was again delayed from Sideshow. Got an email saying it's been pushed back to FEBRUARY now. Holy crap, I'm annoyed. If I didn't have 2 of the 3 flex pays already done, I would cancel and buy it from literally anyone else.
Yeah i got the same message around 10 days ago from sideshow also,it's like the 3rd time they have pushed back the scedule. Very pissed off myself,if it's not exclusive from now on i think I'm done with preorders,you can usually find them cheaper once they are released and collectors need the money. Hope we both get them sooner the later.

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Argh mine has been sitting in Animarket warehouse for ages. I booked it for shipment days ago but still haven't received a confirmation email saying it's been shipped. Normally they ship it straight away. Is it still holidays in China?
Argh mine has been sitting in Animarket warehouse for ages. I booked it for shipment days ago but still haven't received a confirmation email saying it's been shipped. Normally they ship it straight away. Is it still holidays in China?

I feel your pain, payed in full and booked shipment 3 weeks ago from them and still nothing so I sent out an email today. From memory Asmus started shipping October 15 so nearly 3 month wait.
not happy with the HS- just another stretched Asmus-style. I like the look of the costume and such- they need to get better sculpts. Best to them but hesitant to buy their LOTR line...

I think Asmus did a wonderful job on Aragorn. I am all in for the fellowship, and hopefully a few other main LOTR figures.