Since Mr Asmus seems to be more than ready to abide by the law, would it be possible for you at least to repost their posts, just this once?Have highlighted this message for Admin attention. Hopefully the situation can be resolved soon.
Hopefully you guys can stay active at least in some capacity. I have been you with guys from the start of your LOTR’s line (bought every single release even some multiples) and hope to see it continue for a long, long time. My chief place for news is this forum so hopefully it all gets worked out. I don’t want to end up missing news, sneak peaks, etc.Just here to clearfy that we are more than happy to pay for the right price to keep our presence alive.
We paid for the premium membership because we thought it was the right way to support the forum, never was I told that we need to be a business account.
Can a pm be sent to mr asmus to ask questions, then the answers posted here by
the collector?
Yeah and they can't justify it with "released product may vary" because it's their idea to show how the released product looks like! And it is still different, and a downgrade at that. What is the point then??Remember when Asmus said there would be no more pre orders because they only want to show the finished product- so what you see in the promo images is what you’ll get… That didn’t last long.
But the purpose of this new Boromir is exactly that. An upgrade and for the people who missed out on the first release.This may be cynical of me, but maybe they're taking advantage of the recent opportunity to sell upgraded pieces to go with figures we have already purchased from them.
Maybe if they can sell better heads for a decent chunk of change, they think they can get away with selling new clothing for other disappointing releases. I wouldn't be shocked to see 'upgrade kits' for various releases listed on their site at some point down the line.
To be honest, I have the first release with the faux hair and it looks great. I didn't see a need to pick up the second release. But good for Asmus to revisit this character for those that needed Boromir in the collection.
The proble with rooted is when companies are actually using that synthetic Barbie-hair material. Sculpted will always be superior to that trash. Do you still hold the same view with the likes of Asmus Crown Gandalfs, Gimli and Thorin even, InArt or custom root jobs?I personally can't stand rooted hair on figures, I can't unsee Barbies - but that's just my two cents. Not criticizing anyone who prefers it. So I got the sculpted version of the 1.0, which was ok at best, and sold it off to pay for the 2.0 when it looked like a big likeness upgrade was coming. I'm really bummed out about how it turned out and wish Asmus would just give a transparent answer on what happened.
I know the folks here will be jerks and do the usual thing if that answer is given though, so maybe it's best they just stay silent.
Now I'm not sure whether I pick up this 2.0 just to have him back in my collection or wait for InArt to get to him, which is no doubt years off. Tough to say. Boromir and Faramir are my favorite Tolkien characters and they deserve better figures than what's been presented.
Maybe Asmus can just get to a Crown version someday but offer sculpted and rooted hair the way InArt is. Seems like a good way to do it.
For what it's worth, I did buy a sculpted hair Aragorn and Joker from InArt because I truly do prefer sculpted hair to rooted on these figures. But to your point - no - the Asmus dwarves and Crown Gandalfs are very well done and don't look cheap by any means.The proble with rooted is when companies are actually using that synthetic Barbie-hair material. Sculpted will always be superior to that trash. Do you still hold the same view with the likes of Asmus Crown Gandalfs, Gimli and Thorin even, InArt or custom root jobs?
Pretty sure Admin have stated that Asmus is now a sponsor so that can't be why they have been a bit awol lately.I can't believe this forum is taking away collector ability to communicate directly with one of the larger toy designers about upcoming/existing products. So greedy but it will backfire I'm sure.