So many red flags.

I'm giving it a day or two before deciding to cancel, but either way
I'll never pre-order anything else made by this shady company.
Yep, this is a very shady release from them.... everything about this Ash release feels off. Final images with glue filled chainsaws, 'new' phone images that show a character in a basement with a higher quality paint application than the main character, plus a completely different chainsaw. Customer images telling a completely different story entirely. The reluctance of the company to simply unbox one full deluxe set and take just one decent photo of everything. The cheap looking stickers to cover the base error, rather than eating the cost and making new plaques. I'm not directly accusing them of anything, but it does all seem odd and eventually someone will get the full set, so we will finally know what customers are truly getting.
Yes, I agree 100%.
The good thing here is people are using their logic and sense. I said the very same thing, that asmus is a very shady company (in the Arwen thread), and asmus loyalists there attacked me right away. They keep defending that asmus is only a small company and mistakes like that are tolerable, and that they have given us amazing products so far etc.
I mean, no matter how small the company is, if they have promised something, they have to keep it as agreed upon.
They can't just put luxury edition in a dull brown box (no art box, even the regular has the art box), charge more and more money instead of keeping the free shipping agreement, ignored member who has missing replacement parts, or sending a subpar replacement parts and told the customer to just accept it.
If they can't deliver, then don't promise it at the first place. And give an honest and sincere apology instead of defending yourself with crappy reasons.
Even in this thread, asmus' rep (george) is still defending their move, and I am more than happy to respond, and when I deliver my facts, they are back being silent again.
The asmus loyalists said that asmus has a great customer service. There's even an appreciation thread to the rep (rovi a.k.a inyacher).
I'm not an asmus hater, if the product is good (Galadriel, crown Gandalf, Saruman), I give proper credit. Even though as we all know, those are not without flaws (Galadriel with scratch on the neck, a bit underscaled and different color tone head and body, Gandalf with crappy hat and the inconsistency on the staff), but overall I am okay with it and I give praises to those figures.
One would believe it would make business sense for Asmus to make an announcement AND an apology stating they messed up with honesty and humility along with a guarantee to rectify the production quality issues, but no. We all know that will never occur.
To be fair, they did posted an apology for the misspelled name. But it's kinda.. felt like it's not wholeheartedly because in the closing statements, they said that they are overall happy with the product, so it's all about them instead of the customers.
In Arwen's case though (the dull brown box (no artbox) and charging extra shipping) they never posted or said any apology.
They got their $ from distributors, vendors, and customers who ordered directly through them.
The losers are:
Collectors with no recourse in terms of a refund for a product they don't want and is too late cancel.
Vendors stuck with a poor quality figure many don't want to buy, unable to sell to recoup their cost, or may end up selling at a steep loss.
Distributors stuck with unsold inventory they can't move.
The winners are:
@$mu$ for obvious reasons and it's not the first time or the last they'll get away with it because there are those blindly/overzealously supporting them, giving them second, third, fourth chances, etc. are enabling them.
Customizers who'll offer custom solutions that'll cost collectors more $ to spend on a poor figure (i.e., 1:6 money pit).
Those fortunate and smart enough not to buy it in the first place, able to cancel their order without a losing their deposit, and those who will eventually pick it up at a fraction of its MSRP.
Maybe @$mu$ needs to hire Nick from Sylvester Stallone's online shop and spin his egocentric wonder on their behalf like he does for all the supposed 1:6 Stallone figures that has yet to materialize?
This is well said.
It's not the first time they did it and got away with it.
It won’t happen because sadly there are enough people who will happily buy the figure and spend more money than it cost customizing it, to allow Asmus to sell out their entire inventory.
As long as people are willing to throw away their money on a shoddy release Asmus has no incentive to do better.
Indeed they are, and they will keep doing so.. This is even worse level than what happened with Arwen.
Based on a different discussion thread, group member inyacher works social media for Asmus. Anyone tried to contact inyacher to inquire about the issues for a reply?
Before asmus' rep (george) stepped in and responded here, I've tried to reach inyacher on his "appreciation thread", only to be told by a member that "this is not the place to do it, take it somewhere else". Well, I am aware of that, but I did it because rovi or any asmus rep are keepin their mouth silent. And it's definitely bad for him or asmus, because people wants to know everything about the product that they are purchasing.
But rovi didn't respond there, however, not long after, george appeared and posted the infamous (allegedly) prototype Henrietta pics.