mine arrived, but they sent it to an old address in NYC i haven't lived at for a year now?
Fat chance i'll ever see it as the post actually delivered it.
Then Asmus has the nerve to send me a new invoice for another one I did not order....
I fear they have done the same thing with both elves as well-
even though the last 3 figures were all sent to my current correct address that is on file, and has been,
at both asmus and paypal.
Beginning to question continuing my support of Asmus...
mine arrived, but they sent it to an old address in NYC i haven't lived at for a year now?
Fat chance i'll ever see it as the post actually delivered it.
Then Asmus has the nerve to send me a new invoice for another one I did not order....
I fear they have done the same thing with both elves as well-
even though the last 3 figures were all sent to my current correct address that is on file, and has been,
at both asmus and paypal.
Beginning to question continuing my support of Asmus...