Asmus, make another HS without pers and sell it separately. Practically Everyone will buy it.
Agree XD
Asmus, make another HS without pers and sell it separately. Practically Everyone will buy it.
Asmus, make another HS without pers and sell it separately. Practically Everyone will buy it.
Asmus, make another HS without pers and sell it separately. Practically Everyone will buy it.
I hear certain people complaining and i?m over here like, where?s my damn invoice Asmus?
Asmus, make another HS without pers and sell it separately. Practically Everyone will buy it.
Man, I keep going back and forth on if I want to keep my PO..
I agree - I was all in until the eyes. I cancelled mine. Despite all of the kudos from the folks who love it, which I appreciate, I just can't get past something with them. Sorry, Asmus. It's off enough from the promotional photos that I just can't bring myself to do it. Not a hater, but not able to pull the trigger now. It looks exceptional otherwise.
Asmus, make another HS without pers and sell it separately. Practically Everyone will buy it.
It's not even the eye gap that's the only problem though, the paint job on them just doesn't look right either.
The PERS eyes were honestly not needed for this figure.
To be honest, very few figures utilizing the PERs system benefit from it. I may be wrong but I think only the DX15 Jack Sparrow was successfully implemented.
I still haven't set up my Crown Gandalf yet, as I need to clear up some display space for it, but I'm looking forward to seeing it on display, as he is a must-have for my collection.
The PERS eyes were honestly not needed for this figure.
It looks good on Jack Sparrow and both versions of Maul, they already have black around their eyes too so any gap would be made less noticeable.
The PERS honestly aren't needed for any figure.
Of the figures that have them like Jack Sparrow, how many people do you think actually use them? If I had to guess, I'd say 90% of people never used the feature more than once, and 98% of people probably haven't used the feature except for the rare display change. It's just unnecessary unless you're taking constant photos of your figure, which most of us aren't.
There's more that can go wrong than right with the PERS system. It's an unnecessary feature. Hopefully Asmus stays away from them for all future releases. They're just now starting to break out as a top of the line capable producer. No need to dabble in complex and unneeded things like moveable eyes on a sixth scale figure.
I have this Gandalf, the previous one from Asmus and the sideshow version.