Asmus Toys : Lord of the Ring : Gothmog

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Just throw in another photo while we wait...
see if this is better?

Looks good so far. Can't wait to see the articulation of the shoulders.
As a whole he looks good, but I would still like to see some tweaking to the mouth area.
A few things could be tweaked but on the whole this is a good looking Gothmog. But likeness drift is going to be far more unforgiving when the Humans start showing up.
As a whole he looks good, but I would still like to see some tweaking to the mouth area.

A few things could be tweaked but on the whole this is a good looking Gothmog. But likeness drift is going to be far more unforgiving when the Humans start showing up.

Agreed. Based on this picture, #2 from Asmus for me. I can not believe it has taken this long for some one to make these figures. The monster designs for the the Rings are perfect for figures. Glad Asmus is taking them on.
As a whole he looks good, but I would still like to see some tweaking to the mouth area.

A few things could be tweaked but on the whole this is a good looking Gothmog. But likeness drift is going to be far more unforgiving when the Humans start showing up.

Agreed. Based on this picture, #2 from Asmus for me. I can not believe it has taken this long for some one to make these figures. The monster designs for the the Rings are perfect for figures. Glad Asmus is taking them on.

Have to admit it looks pretty good. If the nose mouth area can be tweaked, great. If not, it's not a deal breaker.

Agreed with all 4 of y'all
likeness seems off, the thing that makes it somewhat forgiven is his likeness is quite grotesque so its not as obvious, I need the full reveal but may end up passing on this one.
likeness seems off, the thing that makes it somewhat forgiven is his likeness is quite grotesque so its not as obvious, I need the full reveal but may end up passing on this one.
Well the way that I look at it, and it may be the wrong way to look at it is that we are getting an obscure character that most likely will not be done by anyone else. If what we get is 90% correct like this appears it will be then i'll be happy.
likeness seems off, the thing that makes it somewhat forgiven is his likeness is quite grotesque so its not as obvious, I need the full reveal but may end up passing on this one.

It is off just a tiny bit but its not enough to really mess anything up. It still very much looks like Gothmog.

WOW! First glance gave me a shudder. Love it!

Now that said, you guys were right about the nose; its incorrect. Lips too but I could live with that. Nose sort of bothers me.

But the overall shape is great, and I love the little hairs on it -- beautiful addition Asmus. :clap

I'd love to see the nose reworked but I'm all in for this and will be very happy to have it. This is the one single figure I've been pining for since 2003 ROTK.
I think this is one of those figures where the grotesquery doesn't have to be exact. His face is so full of blobs and boils. But the overall shape works. Plus, it will probably look better in hand and at scale than all these macro-shots.

Definitely seems like a great 2nd villain to go with Witch-King; that putrid pale head will pop against the all black Morgul Lord.


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I will buy for sure, but it looks to me like they need to check references pics a little more. There are some simplifications in armor and even though it still looks good, could be problematic when the humans arrive.
I agree with most of the comments. If the nose and lips can be tweaked a bit, great...but overall, I'm in FULLY for a Gothmog!