This figure has a nice sculpt but every time I see pics of it, I notice that there's not enough "hair". It looks patchy to me and thus, distracting.
So I'm curious, the Thranduil that I just acquired in trade was bought through BBTS and shipped out through them already. If they only made 600 then why are some still on preorder? Did Asmus make separate batches of the figure? Like 300 and 300?
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They are sold out online. I have no idea why I haven't gotten mine.
I ordered mine in February and it's says it will ship 2nd quarter. We'll see.
At this time we are still awaiting our shipment(s) to arrive. We along with many other online retailers are at the mercy of the suppliers and manufacturers when it comes to preorders, as they tend to provide very little information about exact arrival and/or ship dates. Often times we may not receive any updates on products until they are in transit to our facility. If an update is provided by the manufacturer that a product will be delayed, we do our best to send out notices in advance to keep our customers aware. If there is no update available, we will then change over the month or time frame of every existing preorder once the previous month or quarter has ended. We would love to have everything arrive on time as expected with firm release dates like movies and video games for example, but unfortunately in the world of toys it can seem anything but consistent!
I apologize that no further information is available today but hopefully our shipment(s) will be arriving soon. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance and I will be happy to help. Have a great day!
Took some more pics of the Elf King. Such a good figure! My only complaint is his hands keep popping off on me :/
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Hot water trick the gauntlets. Heat them up and then shove a thick pen in there while they are soft and then stick them in the freezer. This will give you a wider fit so that you can actually fit the hand partially and snugly inside of the gauntlet and it won't be pushed off anymore. I did that and haven't had issues since.
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No no no, that hot water trick doesn't work. You got a faulty one if the hand keeps popping off. I'll take this burden off your hands
No no no, that hot water trick doesn't work. You got a faulty one if the hand keeps popping off. I'll take this burden off your hands