Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

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Got my copy. Pretty excited. I'm forced to skip a lot of games this season, so the few I've picked (like this one) better be good.
UPS dropped it off!! Popped it in and played a few rounds online. Still not sure exactly what's going on in the MP, but I did manage to finish 3rd in both matches I played. Ranked up to level 3 already.
Enjoyed what I've played so far. A good game that will take a bit to get through. Mixing it in with COD will help.
Wow. People really are obsessed with COD to the point where it's mentioned on most threads about gaming and most game reviews I've read online. I'm sick of Reading about it everywhere.
Lighten up Francis. :lol COD is a fun series of games. Plus Black Ops just came out so it will get talked about. I've got this, cod, and wwe to mix in if that makes ya feel better.
Anyone having some issues with multiplayer? It feels like I'm constantly spawning in the worst places, like real close to my oponent. Feels cheap. Also, I've been glitching a lot. Not game-breaking glitches, but sometimes my character would jitter and slide off a ledge for no reason. Could just be latency though. I'm sure the issues will be smoothed out in time.

As tense and fun as it can be at times, I think I'll just put multiplayer on the backburner for a while. I was never really interested in it to begin with. Now, on to the single player campaign. :woot
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From the first few hours (I am currently in chapter2) that I am into so far, I can say ACB is like AC2 but in a much bigger scale.

I have slightly mixed feelings about this game currently. Graphics are much improved (at least on the PS3), I love the new fight moves and counters, and the sandbox is bigger and more alive than ever.

There are some really impressive and breathtaking environment but the game as of now doesn't really seem to add anything new to the formula (I hope the assassins recruitment will change things up).

Music is almost the same. You get pretty much the same missions (trail this guy, kill this guy, save this guy, etc, etc), don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with those mission but it does feels been there done that (I am still early in this game, hopefully later levels will stir things up).

There are more stuff to do in the 'real' world and fans will find some surprising locations. Instead of upgrading your villa, you get to upgrade Rome. I like this aspect of the game, there are real incentive to do so (cause certain items and weapons and armour will only unlocked when you rebuild Rome).

Basically,don't go into this game expecting the big changes that happened from AC1 to AC2. This game is basically AC2.5. I guess that is not a bad thing cause AC2 already got so many things right so why fix something that ain't broken?

All said, ACB will be enough to tide me over until the real AC3.
Thanks for the write up! Sounds like I will enjoy it!

I'm not a fan of sandbox games and get bored with them quickly. For some reason though I really enjoy these games. I even enjoyed the first one.
I only played a bit of the first mission, but it seems to pick up exactly where 2 left off. the reviews say the single player is every bit as complete as the first two games. :rock

I read IGN's review and it seemed like they were a little hard on it. No matter. I'm sure I will enjoy it. I picked it up 20 minutes ago. :rock
I feel the opposite. What's the multiplayer like?

Pretty good from the couple of matches I played. The gameplay will take getting used to, but for the most part they are going with a Call of Duty vibe with killstreaks, deathstreaks, and perks. (I only managed to unlock the first two perks--disguise and speed boost)
It picks up exactly where 2 ended. The graphics and game play are great. This time you have to clear areas and renovate them in order to get money. Game looks to be pretty awesome. I will play some of the mp this weekend. It should be interesting.
It picks up exactly where 2 ended. The graphics and game play are great. This time you have to clear areas and renovate them in order to get money. Game looks to be pretty awesome. I will play some of the mp this weekend. It should be interesting.

I'm so excited to play. I'm going home to take a nap, eating dinner, and putting this in!
Its a blast. Game is gonna start off making you think one thing then the floor drops out from ya. :lol
Got this today, and I'm loving it so far. I'm glad we get to do more with Desmond. I'm looking forward to trying out multiplayer later.
I was about to pick this up in target earlier, but saw that TRU has a buy 1 get 1 40% off, so I guess I'll pick this up along with Need for Speed tomm. Good to know this isn't just a cash-in like Force Unleashed 2 was