I had passed on buying the second cause I did lose interest in the first one after a while. Kain said he really liked it as did Congerking so I purchased it and had a blast. I like how on this one you can form gangs online and off.
is this game going to have a full single player campain?
I thought it was all multi.
Guys, question. I was thinking about getting the collector's edition (PS3), but if I don't care for the jack in the box, behind the scenes video, is it still worth getting for the extra in-game content? or will they be available later via DLC?
I'd maybe buy the Jack in the Box from you if you don't want it. Send me a PM if you get it.
Great news, but I really don't like this deal of holding reviews until release day. I'd like to know the general consensus of the game before it's too late to cancel my order.
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They bash the game the whole review and then give it a 9.
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