Assassins Creed Figures from Fire Figures Collectibles

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Was tempted to order Brotherhood Ezio but decided to wait and see if they are going to make Revelations' one. Cuz IMO that is the best version of him. Also want to look at the reviews of fire figures' production quality first :)
That is true - IF they aren't licensed.

Dave, from what it looks like, even on the Game industry end, Is they're going for the "its easier to get forgiveness than permission" outlook.

Ubisoft knows about Fire Figures, and fire figures says they're talking to ubi.

so, in other words, they made the product, generated a bunch of hype, and are basicly saing to ubisoft " look at this! look at all the people who want it! Give us a license!"

additionaly, if they are based in china, The chinese Government only recognises the Copyrites and patents of chinese citizens and companies. NOT of forigners.
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Hum who paid fire figures for an assassin creed figure cause right now facebook just deleted their page so any update guys ?!?Bad feeling ..sent them an email...! dont know if we can do something with paypal or if the money is lost...nobody speak about the problem for i the only one ???
Ooh, that's not a good sign although not surprising. I may just ask paypal for a refund.
i paid i think one wwek ago, i've seen today that, so i sent them an email, if i don't have news in the next few days, i ll call paypal, but can they do something if it's not an ebay item ??? i feel bad for myself but fo the others too :((!
You can open the PayPal case within 45 days from the payment day and request for the refund. I'm going to make it in the very beginning of June if I'll get no shipping notifications with tracking number then.
thanks raptor have you got the same problem too ?!? i really don't understand what they are doing and why they stopped their page on facebook...:(
thanks raptor have you got the same problem too ?!? i really don't understand what they are doing and why they stopped their page on facebook...:(

Howabout Copyright Infringement of Ubisoft's intellectual property?

All it takes.
I think UbiSoft claimed to ban their page, pretty common copyrights deal.
I'm not worry at all. I'll get this figure or I'll get the refund from PayPal in June.
honestly they said that they were talking with ubi so it was not a problem for me, at least somebody making good 1:6 assassin creed figure ;)! at least should we say the same for zcwo and lot of others...sadly but true...i would love to buy hot toys figures, but not just for iron man...i like the character, preordered the marl VII but ll not buy 20 figures of the same character ;)!
fire figures website itself is still up, facebook was always just a means of promotion and awareness so i wouldnt be too worried just yet.
so I emailed them a few minutes ago and this is what I got back..

Dear Customer. Facebook has taken our page down might be due to Ubisoft
complaint even when we were not using their name. Neverthless, we are now
live at
We will not be using any of the name associated with Assasins creed but will
continue to product custom figures

Stay Tuned

So it looks like they couldn't get an agreement from ubisoft given that they are now "custom" figures
I like how they changed the name but kept collectibale unchanged. Also like how they created a new page with the same blurry photos.
they cant stop them from selling it considering that its an overseas company and they don't distribute it everybody imports it in.
I want to see their Connor figure that by far looked the best in terms of replica and proportion only thing to check with these guys in the OC
A bit worried but hoping I'll at least get this figure if Ubisoft manage to shut them down.
all is gone fine they have taken mine and yours advices to rename the figure...the assassin hahahahah lol...
fB page is on line.. again..
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