Also if you are interested in Australian wildlife stay away from Zoo's with their lions and tigers and bears oh my, and stick with sanctuaries.
And if you're coming to Cairns, go to one of the Croc farms........they're always good.
Also if you are interested in Australian wildlife stay away from Zoo's with their lions and tigers and bears oh my, and stick with sanctuaries.
Oh yeah and if you're going in Winter and it's still hot enough to go swimming. It's probably not safe to do so.
I'ts probably best you don't go to Melbourne Agen. The only entertaining thing they have down there is The Melbourne Cricket Ground.![]()
Also and I say this in a most serious way. This is not a joke or me trying to be funny this is dead set serious.
If you find yourself being followed by an aboriginal (indigenous) person or group of aboriginal people and you are carrying any sort of alcohol on you. Put the alcohol on the ground and run especially late at night. There is no point getting attacked over a bottle of booze.
Once again this is not a joke or me being racist, this is just a safety issue. Also the more north in Australia you go the more likely this is to happen.
Trust me, I won't be going in the water. At least not more than knee deep or something. One of my biggest irrational fears is being eaten alive by an animal. Being in Australia, though, my fear becomes more rational with all the beasts you have there. Not to mention that I don't want to be impaled by stingray barb, stung by an Irukandji jellyfish, etc etc. And then there are the land creatures...
If you come to Cairns, one of the must-dos is a reef trip; the snorkelling is fantastic. I recommend finding a tour that takes a small number out, so you're not bunched in with all the Japanese tourists. Better yet is Green Island; you can go snorkelling, go on the glass-bottom boats, and they have a croc farm over there as well.
Really, unless you hate water, you should give it a go.
I absolutely will not snorkel. I could never submerge my entire body in an ocean. Odds are that I'll be fine, but I've been struck by lightning so I don't take odds lightly.
Oh, come on!
Okay then, here's a tip, don't carry alcohol around (I don't know why you would in the first place).
Agen- Are u planning to meet any of the freaks out there?
If so hit Creecher with my boomerang for me plz!
Has anyone ever done a tour from Cairns into the Daintree Rainforest? I would like to see that. What other tours would anyone suggest for the places I'm going? (Sydney, Cairns, Brisbane, Uluru, possibly Auckland)
The reason why you shouldn't go to Adelaide is it is arguably the most boring city in the world let alone Australia.