Don't worry it's not that accurate. It's said to be based on a mold of a model used in filming, but several details are all wrong.
1. The large and small taillights are spaced out too much from each other.
2. The canopy is oddly cone-shaped and pointy--admittedly, like the patent blueprint has them drawn, but the real car's canopy is more rounded off in front--like the 1:18 Hot Wheels version.
3. When you flip it over, there is absolutely no detail on the completely flat undercarraige (Sure, who looks at that anyway? But for that price, there should be something under there--even plastic model kits like 1:25 AMT model kit and the 1:35 Bandai version have plenty of detail down there).
4. While it is missing the above detail, it has extra "made-up" details that weren't in either film--like the backlit dashboard instrument cluster and bat symbols in the headrests.
5. The paint finish is too glossy and does not match the car's appearance from either film.
On the plus side, it is made of weightier material than the "toyish" plastic Hot Toys version will be made out of, and it has a pretty cool base. Also against the Hot Toys version, some who have seen the proto in person at shows say it is too short and the proportions are way off. It remains to be seen if the Hot Toys final version is better. There hasn't been any comments or complaints by owners of the Toynami about if it's proportions actually match 1/8 scale of the real car.