It's a horrible design full of unneccesary elements. Why make the stripes like little circuit board things? Why add all the red piping? Cap should be classy, simple and NOT futuristic looking. Like TFA suit, which was nearly perfect. They should have just updated that, I think that's what they have tried to do here. But no we get the Tron-Lite-Cos-Play version. It's horrible.
the stealth suit? No problems with it except it wasn't really a captain america suit.
And before you give your option, don't bother. I'm right, I'm a designer, so don't argue with me. My opinion is impeacable.
You are incorrect, just deal with it.
Scarlet Silver and Quick Witch look like they just wandered in from daytime reality TV as well. Saved by the Bell 2015. Crap.
I LOVED Quicksilver in DOFP, and I hate Aaron Can'tActHisFace from Godzilla, so this is lose lose.