Broke and happy
Whedon sounds so depressed during his deleted scenes commentary, I hope those 4 deleted scenes wasn't why he had his panties all up in a bunch. 

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Watched it again and Hate it more![]()
That's a very wise decision my broth....Maybe I don't need to see this again. You guys almost had me fooled. Jye. Khev. Maulfan. I'm gonna watch Fury Road again instead
Oh...while I wait for Jurassic World in 3D.
Nail on the head.Watched it again and Hate it more
IMO So many scenes that try and be "Ah man that is cool " but fall flat.. Usually due to a corniness that was not in the original. All that Slow motion fighting that was supposed to be cool but looked goofy IMO.. I know that the shot of all the Avengers flying through the air in the beginning is supposed to be the money shot but Hawkeye and Black widow just look silly in their Slow Mo pose IMO and ruin the shot. The final battle slow mo shot... Cap doing his twist in the air over Ultron and Scarlet Witch watching Iron Man fly by.. Just eye rolling bad because its trying so hard to be coolNone of that silliness in the first film. Yes there are some slow mo shots but nothing goofy. Oh and bad cgi. I don't know if it's because it's on Blu but many of the CGI scenes looked VERY cartoony... Ultron really did, especially in the outside shots. Again It did not bother me as much in the theater... Perhaps I find it corny because my fellow freaks like it so much
Ultron might be my least fav villain of all the Marvel films that does not have Iron Man 2 or 3 in the title.
Oh well.... I do like the Cap vs Ultron fight even though Cap looks a bit too cartoony also in many of the shots.
Hope the new directors can get it right after this let down... Something tells me after what they did with Cap the Next Avengers film will be way better then AOU.
Purchased both Vision and Ultron steel book at best buy store pickup. Hope they actually have them. Haven't decide which one to keep.
What are the differences between these two versions?
The aftermath discussion about Ultron is definitely an awkward scene though. For one, Maria Hill. I get that if you look carefully she appears to be using tweezers to pluck glass shards out of her bare foot but did not one person editing the movie not notice that it looks exactly like she's sitting there clipping her toenails??How can we really invest in the gravity of that scene if everyone is freaking out about what Ultron is going to do but one person is so relaxed she's openly clipping her toenails in front of everyone. "Oh yeah," *clip clip* "the nuclear codes..." *clip clip* I'm sorry but every time that scene begins I'm like "What the hell? Oh, yeah, that's not what she's doing."
And then there's Thor. Totally contrived moment where he lifts Stark up by the neck. I didn't like it in the theater and still don't. Seems like it was ONLY inserted just to have a "whoa!" moment for the trailer. He arrives, seemingly lifts Stark in a rage, then casually puts him down like nothing happened and they go about their conversation. Just not well done.
But really those are just little things, and even the awkwardness of those weaker moments is kind of amusing. I love this movie.![]()
Thank you!Just the back covers. One has a picture of Vision and one has Ultron.
I've watched it four times and it's still awesome
It really is. Very exciting throughout. And I still think that the moment all the heroes are defending the core and the last conversation between Ultron and Vision are two of the best scenes in any superhero film.
There's really no point where I just want the film to move on and get to the good stuff. Even the farmhouse scene works IMO and I always laugh at "Miss Barton you little minx..."
Sure I notice several moments that fall flat but none that ever negate the awesome entertainment throughout.
Vision: "Well ... I was born yesterday."
Love it each time I see it.
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I received a Vudu streaming gift of AoU last month and I bought the blu-ray today.
I've watched it four times and it's still awesome for me.![]()
It's not even 2 minutes, but the music and visuals of the big Avengers Unite moment at the core is very exciting, that shot and the Avengers Assemble shot from the first movie are my two most favorite moments in each of them, but I actually like the Age of Ultron one better, it's not just the team coming together, but fighting as a team. If you think about it, most of the time, the fighting is broken out into pairings or solo fights even though everyone there's in the general area at once, but that shot in AOU is the first time all the Avengers team up and fight as one, truly awesome, even the opening battle they're separated a lot but for that one group shot.
I received a Vudu streaming gift of AoU last month and I bought the blu-ray today.
I've watched it four times and it's still awesome for me.![]()
It really is. Very exciting throughout. And I still think that the moment all the heroes are defending the core and the last conversation between Ultron and Vision are two of the best scenes in any superhero film.
There's really no point where I just want the film to move on and get to the good stuff. Even the farmhouse scene works IMO and I always laugh at "Miss Barton you little minx..."
Sure I notice several moments that fall flat but none that ever negate the awesome entertainment throughout.
It's not even 2 minutes, but the music and visuals of the big Avengers Unite moment at the core is very exciting, that shot and the Avengers Assemble shot from the first movie are my two most favorite moments in each of them, but I actually like the Age of Ultron one better, it's not just the team coming together, but fighting as a team. If you think about it, most of the time, the fighting is broken out into pairings or solo fights even though everyone there's in the general area at once, but that shot in AOU is the first time all the Avengers team up and fight as one, truly awesome, even the opening battle they're separated a lot but for that one group shot.