Yeah, but MFs will say anything.
Not true

, I still don't care for Ultron no matter how many time I watch, I get what he is and accept him more as that with each viewing, but he's a let down as a villain.
The idea of him being a mirror to Tony is interesting, but what you end up with is someone less sinister and almost just misguided in his actions. He does bad things out of a misguided view on how to execute his programming, but his evil comes off more like a computer error than his nature. He rips a man's arm off but then comes off as legitimately apologetic where someone like Loki would have done that and faked being apologetic to add insult to injury.
Had they delved deeper into the Strak-Ultron connection, it could have made for interesting story but the movie itself doesn't, other than a passing comment from Wanda that Cap dismisses almost as quick as he hears it other than running off to stop Tony.
I feel like the major issue with this movie from a story perspective is they try to touch upon a lot of ideas and don't give any one of them sufficient time and exploration. People have commented that the number of characters is a problem but I disagree, it's just what you do with them.
I don't object to the Banner-Widow romance, but with this many characters, you basically need a single plot and subplot, and hear we had the Ultron-Stark story, the Widow-Banner lover, Thor's quest, all interesting idea but half assed in the movie. If they'd picked just one and focused on it, I bet people would feel a lot different. That's one strength of the first Avengers over this one, the story was straight forward, the only real subplot was the Widow-Hawkeye backstory and it was covered well and weaved nicely through the overall story, it wasn't forced, it played well into the plot.
I was expecting each Avengers film to step up the evil and power of each villain with Infinity Wars being the worst of the worst, but so far Loki's the only villain who's felt like a true threat. Lotta weight on Thanos to deliver something good.