Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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Cap doesn't have enough angst. Batman and Superman are going to cry it out in puddles. Maybe Aquaman will pop out of them.
Like father like son. :lol

I mean, I don't know, it's weird for me because I know as an Ultron fan I might have written his character a bit differently. Still, the fact that Joss Whedon adapted both the imposing and the dorky side of Ultron from the comics.... it just kinda makes me love it even more because it's just so Ultron (seriously, let's not kid ourselves, if you've read him in the comics long enough that's practically part of the appeal). :lol

I'm actually glad that Whedon was able to cram in so much of the character while developing him well enough, especially considering how much stuff there is in the film already. Really loved his exit, it's just such a rarity in of itself to get a quiet conversation as the final sendoff for a superhero villain. Definitely my most favorite scene in the film. :)
No different than a hurricane or tornado driving a weak object through a strong one without the weak object being damaged. :lecture

I will except that explanation :)

I'm torn on a favorite shot, it's either when he roars in the church from all the ads, or when he looks back at Hulkbuster after getting slammed with the elevator, he just looks so awesome in both.

I really have no idea what my favorite shot in Avengers is, that's what I mean about being happier with Age of Ultron, there are a number of visual shots that just personify Hulk for me, hey may do more in Avengers but there aren't as many great still shots. I do really like after his first Hulk out when he looks back over his shoulder at Widow before going after her.

I will say that he looked better overall design wise... Plus he had some great roar shots like you mentioned... Too bad he did nothing with those great shots..

All roar and no bite ;) :)
I wouldn't mind seeing more Hawkeye since he had so little to do in the first one. We got to see more of him in this one, but now he's "retiring" I guess. :(

The way they focused on Hawkeye, i thought it was gonna end up like this :lol

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I will except that explanation :)

I will say that he looked better overall design wise... Plus he had some great roar shots like you mentioned... Too bad he did nothing with those great shots..

All roar and no bite ;) :)

I'll post the link after but there's a short vid with ILM talking about taking the animation to the next level, it sounds like Ruffalo is a bit part of things, wonder if that was any factor of Hulk's screen time.

I know people either didn't like the score or thought it was nothing special but Elfman's theme in "Heroes" is already one of my favorite themes ever, he did a great job, I actually like AOU's score overall more than Avengers.
Forget the Batman, I think Cap is ready to take on Superman after this movie. :lol

Saw this today and thought it was great, sure it was a bit muddled, but to compare this to that transformers nonsense is ridiculous
I barely noticed the music :lol

I don't remember the music at all

Hard to tell how noticable it is just watching, I've had it downloaded since last week and listened to it countless times. Elfman's theme is the music that plays over the shot at the end of the sculpture just before the mid-credits scene.

Easter Eggs.

- The band playing in Captain America’s dream is named The Roy Thomas Band. Roy Thomas is a one-time Marvel Editor-in-Chief who is credited with creating Ultron back in Avengers #58 (1968).

- After J.A.R.V.I.S. is uploaded into the Vision’s body, Tony Stark needs a new A.I. to power his armor. Before settling on F.R.I.D.A.Y. (a nod to His Girl Friday), one of the names seen on the data cards is Jocasta. In the comics, Jocasta was a female robot created by Ultron (with the consciousness of Janet Van Dyne, The Wasp) as a mate.

- Kevin Feige recently said that in every Phase 2 movie, a character’s arm/hand is removed; a nod to Empire Strikes Back, when Vader slices off Luke Skywalker’s hand with a lightsaber. This continues in Avengers 2 when Ultron “accidentally” rips the arm off Ulysses Klaue.

- In the film, the Hulkbuster armor is codenamed “Veronica” a reference to the Archie comics. Joss Whedon explains: “You know, I just decided to call it Veronica because [Banner] used to be in love with a girl named Betty and Veronica is the opposite of that.”

- The removal of Klaue’s arm also sets him up to reapear as Klaw, the main villain in the Black Panther movie. In the comics, Klaw’s arm hand was replaced with a sonic emitter that could create any kind of object or creature using sound.

- Hawkeye and his wife name their new baby boy after Black Widow and Quicksilver. His name is Nathaniel (after Natasha) Pietro (after Quicksilver) Barton.

- Vision swoops in to save Scarlet Witch who is stranded on the floating Sokovia moments before it collapses. He flies off with her in his arms as she looks at him fondly, hinting at their future romance.

- Actor Aaron Himelstein, who played a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent intimidated by Rumlow in Captain America: Winter Soldier, returns as one of the new agents on Fury’s helicarrier.

- In the Sokovian church, Ultron speaks to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch wearing a red hood, a nod to his first appearance in the comics as The Crimson Cowl.

- Ultron says at one point, “Invaders become Avengers,” a reference to the first Marvel superhero team, The Invaders, who were a precursor to The Avengers in the 1940s with a lineup that included Captain America, Human Torch and Namor.

- Dr. Helen Cho in the comics is the mother of Amadeus Cho, a super-genius teenager who is considered to be the “seventh most intelligent person in the world.” In the film, Dr. Cho was possessed by the Mind Stone, a possible explanation for the genius of her son.

I quite like the nod behind "Veronica".