The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Why is Strange wearing basketball sneakers?
DBZ is the same story over and over except with a different villain
Why is Strange wearing basketball sneakers?
I finally saw it last night and I was surprised at how.... bored I was!
What I surprisingly liked was the humour. It’s the first marvel movie in a long time where I felt almost all of the humour was actually funny, even among the very serious goings ons. I think they did the GOTG better than Gunn did them as well (though I heard he contributed, so maybe that was him only?)
There’s too many pages to read back here and a lot of them full of filler arguments lol... what’s the general feeling here? Am I in the minority for not being too hot on it? Or is it a generally shared sentiment? Not that it affects my opinion of the film, but just curious.
IMO the movie moved along just fine.![]()
I don't understand the pacing comments/complaints. I've seen it twice now, and it was just as good the 2nd time. Even the deaths still hit home emotionally while knowing they were coming. The movie move's along fine. The scene transitions are very good and very well done with how many different characters and different stories are going on. The Russo Bro's did a great job. In fact I wanted more, and can't wait for A4/Pt2. Anyone who believed the Russo Bro's backtracking that this wasn't Pt 1 and A4 pt 2 were just kidding themselves. It was always meant to be and is too big a story to be contained in just one film. Especially with all the ramifications it will have going forward for the MCU into Phase 4. This has been said over and over and over and over by Feige.
TLJ was a mess compared to this with a hell of a lot less going on. The transitions in that movie were confusing, and the timeline a head scratcher. Not so in IW. Everything moved along/progressed great.
I feel like I watched a different movie than some of you guys. I've enjoyed nearly every MCU movie and have enjoyed each and all of it's characters (Heroes) they've brought to the big screen. The only way I could see someone complaining of the pace/transitions from scene to scene or character group to character group, would be if they lost interest due to the lack of excitement or enjoyment over a particular group cast. I enjoyed all the pairings and was enthralled to see them together. This movie was a huge undertaking never done before, and may never be done again, so how can you say any director would've been better up to the task? The dialogue was great and each and every character felt just like they did in their own MCU movie installments. I'm glad each director helped out with the dialogue so the characters felt true to the versions we've seen.
While no it's not perfect, as no movie is, I'm damn happy with what we got. This could have easily been a train wreck!! JL anyone?? And that should've bee easy compared to this.