Honestly, this release is officially a freaking disaster. No way I'll ever pre-order another big ticket item from sideshow ever again. In hand pictures first... I don't even care if it sells out.
I know buddy

looked at the bust again this morning just incase it was to do with lighting but low and behold....the head is way much darker than the torso

and to think I've got the MK42 and the Iron Patriot lifesize busts on pre order too
Yeah, hate to say it - but I agree. I think the piece COULD be very good, but the execution/quality is bad. If they made sure each piece going out was well done it would be a whole new ball game. A shame really
Hey buddy, don't be disheartened...with all my major flaws I still think its a very good bust. Its not as good as my MKIII (in my opinion) but is still very nice. I will put up a more indepth review later today for you brother
Bad to see this pictures Andy, was hoping anything works good for you. You really want to keep it, replace it? I think the color of the head is right and the body wrong. But with all this issues, send it back. Whats wrong with Sideshow nowadays?
Like someone else say it before they dont take really care for....
I have now fear for my PO MQ IP/42 and the coming MQ MKII/III/VII on my list.
Hey Chris, thanks my friend

yea, it is really disappointing to say the least. More so because I have waited over 2 years to receive this thing and then to find out such major flaws

I received a reply from Sideshow last night and they will take a few days to access the situation and see how we can best resolve the issues. The main flaws seem to be on the headsculpt itself, the body part is perfect with hardly any blemishes or scratches...BUT, if they replace the head, how can they be sure to get a perfect match to the body? And which is the correct shade of red anyway? Is the head correct or is the body too light?

I think the best solution would be to send a completely new bust altogether and i'd be willing to give them one last try.
Andy, have you seen the XM Mark VII? Man, as an IM fan, you HAVE to check that out...it's a must buy. I sorta told myself I would do one XM piece and get it in hand before I order any more (so I POed Wolverine) but I may break for the Mark VII. No light up feature but damn, now that looks GOOD. Take notes Sideshow...
Hey Satosh, yea...I've been in contact with my friend and fellow XM contact Augustine, and he's been keeping me in touch with the pics. Its very nice but I made a decision a long time ago that I was going to pass on it, along with their MK42 also. I know you'll think I'm crazy but I've commited my Iron Man future (in regards to collectibles) with Sideshow and their 1/4 scale maquette line

yep, despite this recent blip with the MKVII lifesize bust, I'm gonna stick it out I think.