The problem @Goronic with that approach IMO is that SS made the blue arc but forgot to add a blue tint to the eyes to fit as per movie.
Do it all or don't... ;-)
Way to go Andy, that looks infinitely better.
You've done in 5 minutes what Sideshow couldn't/refused to do in a year or more.
Looking forward to seeing your progress tomorrow.
great Andy Even though after cancelling this. I will be pulling trigger on this bust for sure but not now will have to get LSF 1st
However, a really cool thing about Andy's approach is to have several 'overlays'. Some that would look better lit up, and some when the bust lighting is off. Lots of different AR's
Anyway, here is the pic link:
SS should definitely hire you Andy... Please keep us inform how you improved it. How about if you just place it above the blue sticker?
Is it Photoshopped?
If mod, do you prefer just the triangle pattern with LED light? Do you want to have arc reactor removable from chest like tony one?
Not to question how another person wants to display his Iron Man bust, but I think you are placing the ammo pack piece too far back, they should sit lower (forward). Reference the pic on SideShow of the prototype.
Wow i didn't even notice that. Thanks. Did your ammo pack have any weird paint issue like mine?
Not too bad, but not perfect. It is very had to tell issues unless you are closely inspecting it. I have it sitting on a 36 inch display stand, so you get a good feel on how big iron man is stranding next to it
Guys...I have completed the first Arc Reactor design and applied it to the bust...first impressions are that it's looking pretty goodpics coming soon