Super Freak
you know what I do hate about this movie. The opening credits , like that graphics thing , where it says alien vs predator requiem ( obviously ). It looks like the opening to a game ! 

I kind of the liked the opening credits.
the only thing i really hate about this movie is that Wolf doesn't survive at the end.... i keep seeing him as the badass Predator throughout the movie and hoped he'd make it out to hunt another day, but nope he dies off just like the others.
Maybe Cameron and scott will finally make that Alien 5 movie?
Keep dreaming. I honestly don't think either of them will ever touch the franchise again.
Even if they would, Fox will never budget the kinda money those 2 would want for this type of movie, we've seen how good a budget they already give them.
I love the ability to have the little icon appear every time there is new footage... even if it's just a quick shot. By far my favorite thing about this release.
What did you pay for yours?
I know you weren't asking me directly I thought the more prices you knew the better. I paid 24.95 plus I get a $5 rebate.
I paid 21.99 at Costco.I think I got a pretty good deal.
Was it the extreme unrated ed. 2 disc set or the normal version? I got the extreme ed. 2 disc SE with a free litho.
So has fox turned into the poor mans studio?
Or have they always been that way?
Yes it was.
No litho though.