Super Freak
Unfortunately I'm not sure if headsculpt will be offered alone. The reason being is that there may not be enough interest in full customs to support it. If 50-60 are sold then I could see head sculpts being a possibility.
Well I already invested in having clothes for my own Jesse Pink man.
so I don't see a need to buy more I just want the head, so should you be able to make that happen since most people have clothes and everything else already ready to go
Wake can you clear something up for me? You keep mentioning cinemascale as though there a producer? I though cinemascale was just a website you created in order to aide Denny and streamline his US customers ordering process. When you say cinemascale/iminime joint venture what do you mean? I'm not trying to be a **** just genuinely confused as to what cinemascale actually is...
CinemaScale is a limited liability corporation. Its principle charter is to distribute and supply customer service for Iminime Products. But as you know, I as the principal behind CS, also have very good relationships with many 1/6 custom artists and producers. Denny is willing to help me in any way he can. Trevor is a friend of mine. I have a great relationship with Jon Guzman (Fullmetal)-- which incidentally is how I pulled together the Daryl Dixon motorcycle project i hope to unveil in the next few weeks. I'm trying to grow a business and if it means initiating projects that i know fans want (be it independently--when the run size won't be to iminime's standards or through Iminime) then it behooves Cinemascale to do that!
Hope that clears it up!
PS> when I consult on projects for Denny or in some cases bring the project to him we often consider the impact in the asia market. Many if not most of Iminime's sales are asian. So a character from a popular american tv show might not fit the bill. Hence why Jesse may not be a full blown Iminime release. But perhaps a partnership.
CinemaScale is a limited liability corporation. Its principle charter is to distribute and supply customer service for Iminime Products. But as you know, I as the principal behind CS, also have very good relationships with many 1/6 custom artists and producers. Denny is willing to help me in any way he can. Trevor is a friend of mine. I have a great relationship with Jon Guzman (Fullmetal)-- which incidentally is how I pulled together the Daryl Dixon motorcycle project i hope to unveil in the next few weeks. I'm trying to grow a business and if it means initiating projects that i know fans want (be it independently--when the run size won't be to iminime's standards or through Iminime) then it behooves Cinemascale to do that!
Hope that clears it up!
PS> when I consult on projects for Denny or in some cases bring the project to him we often consider the impact in the asia market. Many if not most of Iminime's sales are asian. So a character from a popular american tv show might not fit the bill. Hence why Jesse may not be a full blown Iminime release. But perhaps a partnership.
Fair enough. You don't actually produce anything though so CS is essentially a retailer/importer of Iminime products no?
Cinemascale has no in house artists. But we commission artists in some cases. Like Fullmetal or Trevor. The main function is as retailer/importer of Iminime products
Alright so who wants a Trevor grove sculpted Jesse Pinkman full custom figure by cinemascale/Iminime joint venture?
I will give you my first born for it.