I like the Critical Drinker, as he's entertaining and he has more nuance than a lot of the other rage-haters, and admits when he's wrong and does try and give credit where he can for movies he doesn't like. I watch him (amongst others) to see if I'm likely to like a movie or not, and if not, I just don't watch it.
I'm not here to debate whether people should like him and his opinions or not. Honestly I don't care what people see as there should be movies for everyone, but not every movie should be for everyone, which a lot of people forget.
Re: Greta Hedwig and not being surprised. If you know her, I agree, which is why I don't watch her movies, but I'd be surprised if even 10% of the opening weekend audience would even have a clue about who she is and her movie style, and are going because of the hype.