How can you possibly review this movie honestly when "the Message" was overbearingly prominent in this film? The Drinker (like usual) is spot on when it comes to this film. I pretty much loathed it for all of the same reasons he stated in this video. In fact I can't think of a movie ive ever seen that has been so toxic to gender relations. Painting it as a competition that shouldn't exist.
While the Barbies live an idyllic care free life, the Ken's are essentially slaves without any agency, who only live a life that by the film's own admission, exist solely to be an accessory for Barbie when she is in the mood to humor him. Eventually the Kens take over and the movie gets close to actually realizing the point it should have made when Ken brushes off Barbie using the same words she used on him earlier, and points out that being treated that way doesn't feel fun; but then it instantly brushes this aside.
The Barbie's take over again by preying on the men's insecurities, and relegate the men back to the barely human second-class they had been earlier. They do this by giving a lecture about the difficulties and insecurities associated with being a woman in today's society (which despite largely applying to both sexes are fair enough challenges), while simultaneously preying on similar insecurities of men as deep character flaws that are both laughed at and taken advantage of.
What would have been so wrong with an ending in which both the Barbies and the Kens get to be equal and happy; receiving equal amounts of respect and rights in society?
The movie comes off as a 100 minute bitter rant against men and anything associated with masculinity. If that is really what Feminism is or supposed to be (it isn't), then screw that. It deserves to be pushed back against.