Broke and happy
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Watching the 4 hour Snyder cut as 6 episodes is going to be super lame.
It is literally the Snyder CUT lol
Has there ever been any cinematic movies cut into that many episodes before.
Imagine watching FOTR EE over 6 episodes with weird cuts ending each episode.
Ughh who knows it might work but so weird.
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Watching the 4 hour Snyder cut as 6 episodes is going to be super lame.
It is literally the Snyder CUT lol
Has there ever been any cinematic movies cut into that many episodes before.
Imagine watching FOTR EE over 6 episodes with weird cuts ending each episode.
Ughh who knows it might work but so weird.
Then just wait for all episodes to come out and watch it all at once.
Even that way the episodes will have cuts with credits, transition screens and music, titles, silent breaks, last episode review etc.
A theatrical movie broken up into pieces because of WB incompetence.
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Whats a bluray
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''Could be worse, that covid bat could be spewing blood''........
I don't want the TDK Trilogy tainted with the DCEU. Same goes for Joker. I don't want them near this cluster ****.
Give Ben an updated costume.
View attachment 494174
But they will bring out the good film to try to save the dumpster Fire they keep adding kerosene to.
I hated Batfleck......Loved Baleman, I doubt Nolan would allow it anyway.
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Flash finally has a not-**** costume, so hurray.
Bvs is the best live action batman we have ever seen on screen regardless of the movies quality or the actors portrayal of bruce wayne. Affleck is by far the best live action batman, this not to say he played the best bruce wayne or was given the best story material but you cannot erase his effort in portraying the bats and his ruthless fight style that perfectly mimicked the comics or even arkham video games.
I want Nachos.
Kush wants fighter Batman. Some people want Detective Batman. Some like style, some like substance. Can't please everyone. Even when you do please many, they will turn on you in time.