1/6 Batman 1989: Batmobile Collectible Vehicle - Specs & Pics

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So yeah. I'm really struggling with this....and if I don't make a move soon the deal will be gone forever.

Amazon Japan has the Batmobile for $340 and the shipping is only 5 bucks. Of course, you have to be in Japan.

I had it on preorder forever and I canceled a few months ago cause I simply couldn't justify the money or the size of a plastic toy. I mean hell, I don't even own a BED! I sleep on a futon on the floor like most people in Japan do. And it's OK...but if I DID buy the car I'd just sit here sleeping on the floor thinking "I'm not in a bed because that toy seemed more important to me."

But the fact that I CAN get it for a fraction of what most people paid is what's eating me up inside. If I ever want this thing later in life, I'll never ever have a better price.

But then again, I COULD regret it. And I wouldn't be able to "flip" it like a lot of people do simply cause the shipping costs on this thing would be astronomical from Japan.

Earlier this year I bought a re-issue of the 2-foot-tall Transformer Fortress Maximus. I mostly felt a weird pressure to buy it cause I was able to get it off amazon for $200 when other TF fans around the world were paying $300 plus god knows how much for shipping. So I bought it for the same reasons...just couldn't pass on the deal. But I got the toy and instantly regretted it. It's too big, and I have no attachment to the character, so it's sitting in it's giant box in my closet right now. And I have no way to sell it cause people are still gonna have to pay for the shipping.

Now the Batmobile is different cause I DO have an emotional attachment. And I have my only Hot Toys figure, the 89 Batman to go with it. But he's currently standing on the shelf next to my 1/18th Mattel Batmobile and that's pretty much OK with me. I have NO IDEA where I would put a 3 foot long plastic car in my small apartment in Japan.

Argh. I'm really torn. It's the deal of a lifetime, but $350 is still a pretty big chunk of change. I don't want to get buyer's remorse again.
Seems like either way, you lose.

- If you pull the trigger, you'll have buyers remorse, looking at this expensive chunk of plastic while you sleep on your version of a bed.
- If you don't, the thought of missing out on a "bargain" will eat you.

If I were you, I'll just save my money and wait for something I'll like no matter the price and market value. ;)
Like you said, these things aren't cheap.
So yeah. I'm really struggling with this....and if I don't make a move soon the deal will be gone forever.

Amazon Japan has the Batmobile for $340 and the shipping is only 5 bucks. Of course, you have to be in Japan.

I had it on preorder forever and I canceled a few months ago cause I simply couldn't justify the money or the size of a plastic toy. I mean hell, I don't even own a BED! I sleep on a futon on the floor like most people in Japan do. And it's OK...but if I DID buy the car I'd just sit here sleeping on the floor thinking "I'm not in a bed because that toy seemed more important to me."

But the fact that I CAN get it for a fraction of what most people paid is what's eating me up inside. If I ever want this thing later in life, I'll never ever have a better price.

But then again, I COULD regret it. And I wouldn't be able to "flip" it like a lot of people do simply cause the shipping costs on this thing would be astronomical from Japan.

Earlier this year I bought a re-issue of the 2-foot-tall Transformer Fortress Maximus. I mostly felt a weird pressure to buy it cause I was able to get it off amazon for $200 when other TF fans around the world were paying $300 plus god knows how much for shipping. So I bought it for the same reasons...just couldn't pass on the deal. But I got the toy and instantly regretted it. It's too big, and I have no attachment to the character, so it's sitting in it's giant box in my closet right now. And I have no way to sell it cause people are still gonna have to pay for the shipping.

Now the Batmobile is different cause I DO have an emotional attachment. And I have my only Hot Toys figure, the 89 Batman to go with it. But he's currently standing on the shelf next to my 1/18th Mattel Batmobile and that's pretty much OK with me. I have NO IDEA where I would put a 3 foot long plastic car in my small apartment in Japan.

Argh. I'm really torn. It's the deal of a lifetime, but $350 is still a pretty big chunk of change. I don't want to get buyer's remorse again.

I would say get it. I love the 89 Batman too. It was my first Hot Toys figure. I'm getting it. And think about the future price and possible issues with it.

Besides, when you are sleeping on the floor looking at the Batmobile and possibly listening to the soundtrack. You can realize that you have what will most likely be the best version ever of the 89 Batmobile.
What about installing a wide enough shelf onto a wall and placing the Batmobile onto it?

Since it seems like you dont have any floor or table space to display it.
Wah!!!.....please don't buy it....if you can't afford it and you don't have the space....leave it alone.....I don't have the space but I love this car!.....sitting on my dinning room table.....we don't eat there any way....ha
I was thinking of the dilemma. In Asia, the Batmobile is considerably cheaper than the US or UK. And postage is non existent. My postage was free.
It is a big item and the biggest HT have done , till the version for the 1/4 scale Bats :rotfl
The solution to the dilemma tho is simple. If you want it, can. Afford it and can display or store it - buy it, if all you want is a cheap bargain to flip later, forget it.
Wah!!!.....please don't buy it....if you can't afford it and you don't have the space....leave it alone.....I don't have the space but I love this car!.....sitting on my dinning room table.....we don't eat there any way....ha

Amazing how little our dining room table is not used for dining..
My computer desk and bedroom are my main places for eating, mostly while watching tv!
Fanboy reply:

I would say get it. I love the 89 Batman too. It was my first Hot Toys figure. I'm getting it. And think about the future price and possible issues with it.

Besides, when you are sleeping on the floor looking at the Batmobile and possibly listening to the soundtrack. You can realize that you have what will most likely be the best version ever of the 89 Batmobile.

Common sense reply:

The solution to the dilemma tho is simple. If you want it, can. Afford it and can display or store it - buy it, if all you want is a cheap bargain to flip later, forget it.

Wah!!!.....please don't buy it....if you can't afford it and you don't have the space....leave it alone.....I don't have the space but I love this car!.....sitting on my dinning room table.....we don't eat there any way....ha
Well, I certainly wouldn't be buying it for flipping. There are easier ways to make money than to buy collectables for several hundred dollars and then watch the market and try to sell at just the right time to maybe double your investment? And it was already pointed out how insane shipping it from Japan would be.

The main drawing factor for me would be the two things that my 1/18th version doesn't have: the shields, and the fact that Batman can sit in the cockpit. If not for those two factors, I'd be totally happy with my smaller model. So it seems like a pretty stupid reason to spend all that money and have this giant cumbersome toy in my room right? Just so that I can look through the little window and see my figure sitting in there (which of course would ruin the outfit if you left it in there permanently) and also to occasionally put the shield cover over it?

I'm thinking common sense is winning out....but of course there's always that nagging voice in the back of my head, the inner geek, going "What the hell are you waiting for?? Order it now!!"
@HeubertMichael, glad that yours finally arrived. Did you get a chance to open it up and inspect it for scratches? What about if you completely recline the passenger seat so it's flat and put it up front? Still doesn't fit?

If you can open it up at the store, I would have just taken it out of the box, inspected it and if all is good, carefully re-wrap it in plastic+bubble wrap+a thick soft blanket and put it in the passenger seat. Then flatten the two boxes and slide them in the back with all of the packing materials. And I wouldn't worry about any damage on the repack and drive home...after all, no one is going to be more careful with your new toy than its owner.

Hey bud! Thanks, man!

Yes, I checked the batmobile, and there are some of the common canopy scratches but they are not that noticeable. No plastic wrap before the armor, as our stocks don't come from SSC (it could either be from HK or Japan). I brought a thin plastic similar to a garbage bag when I went to the shop and put it on the car so it won't get more scratched in transit.

On my way to get it now! So excited to bring it home!
The fanboy in me always seems to win over common sense when it comes to HT:slap:rotfl

Don't get me wrong, the fanboy on my right shoulder often has a louder voice than the straight-thinking party-p00per on my left. But even on this forum it's good to receive advice that isn't all about how hard a given release happens to make another member's johnson. That's like picking someone else's lap dance for them.

This monster just made my room smaller. So excited to have this displayed, unfortunately this woulds stay in box as I can only take care of the display I made for this and the Tumbler when I get back home from a month-long trip for a couple of US convention which starts this week.

I checked again and the left side of the canopy has a scratch, but I can live with it. The other side though is perfect. Everyone at home adores this piece. So glad to have it! I wish those who are still waiting for their would get their Batmobiles soon and in great condition! :clap

This monster just made my room smaller. So excited to have this displayed, unfortunately this would stay in its box as I can only take care of the display I made for this and the Tumbler when I get back home from a month-long trip for a couple of US convention which starts this week.

I checked again and the left side of the canopy has a scratch, but I can live with it. The other side though is perfect. Everyone at home adores this piece. So glad to have it! I wish those who are still waiting for their would get their Batmobiles soon and in great condition! :clap
Fanboy reply:

More than a fanboy. I was the guy who was Batman enough to speed through cities after midnight listening to these bits of music -



I still do actually going home late at night. I just don't go as fast.

This monster just made my room smaller. So excited to have this displayed, unfortunately this would stay in its box as I can only take care of the display I made for this and the Tumbler when I get back home from a month-long trip for a couple of US convention which starts this week.

I checked again and the left side of the canopy has a scratch, but I can live with it. The other side though is perfect. Everyone at home adores this piece. So glad to have it! I wish those who are still waiting for their would get their Batmobiles soon and in great condition! :clap

Massive Congrats on getting yours at last Heu :clap
So yeah. I'm really struggling with this....and if I don't make a move soon the deal will be gone forever.

Amazon Japan has the Batmobile for $340 and the shipping is only 5 bucks. Of course, you have to be in Japan.

I had it on preorder forever and I canceled a few months ago cause I simply couldn't justify the money or the size of a plastic toy. I mean hell, I don't even own a BED! I sleep on a futon on the floor like most people in Japan do. And it's OK...but if I DID buy the car I'd just sit here sleeping on the floor thinking "I'm not in a bed because that toy seemed more important to me."

But the fact that I CAN get it for a fraction of what most people paid is what's eating me up inside. If I ever want this thing later in life, I'll never ever have a better price.

But then again, I COULD regret it. And I wouldn't be able to "flip" it like a lot of people do simply cause the shipping costs on this thing would be astronomical from Japan.

Earlier this year I bought a re-issue of the 2-foot-tall Transformer Fortress Maximus. I mostly felt a weird pressure to buy it cause I was able to get it off amazon for $200 when other TF fans around the world were paying $300 plus god knows how much for shipping. So I bought it for the same reasons...just couldn't pass on the deal. But I got the toy and instantly regretted it. It's too big, and I have no attachment to the character, so it's sitting in it's giant box in my closet right now. And I have no way to sell it cause people are still gonna have to pay for the shipping.

Now the Batmobile is different cause I DO have an emotional attachment. And I have my only Hot Toys figure, the 89 Batman to go with it. But he's currently standing on the shelf next to my 1/18th Mattel Batmobile and that's pretty much OK with me. I have NO IDEA where I would put a 3 foot long plastic car in my small apartment in Japan.

Argh. I'm really torn. It's the deal of a lifetime, but $350 is still a pretty big chunk of change. I don't want to get buyer's remorse again.

I say order it. You won't ever find a better deal, and you already have Batman to go with it. It's different from the TF cause you have a love for the Batmobile like you said. And if you do have to or want to sell it later from regret, you can sell it for $650 shipped... someone gets it for retail price, and assuming shipping doesn't go over $300 you still get the $ back you paid for it. Win win. But odds are, you could sell it for $900 shipped, and make money as well.

Add to that, you can take your futon mattress and put it on top of the box the Batmobile comes in... instant bed! :hi5::lol