Batman: Arkham Asylum

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I already own them all. They are releasing the entire set this fall i think, check amazon for the new box set.

Not another new box set, bought them all when they were released in the series sets. Then they released a box set with a bonus disc which I'd love to see but am not splashing out for again. And now they're releasing again!

Guess the main problem for a sequel would be where to set the next game.
The only possible places I could think of would either be the rebuilt Blackgate or
Wayne Manor (Bruce holds a charity function, Penguin or someone bursts in)
i got 93 % of the game ... great game btw.

but i unlocked only 1 other suit. arent there more?

earlier in this thread i saw some other suits, like the TDK suit or the one from the first Tim Burton movie. Are those DLC ?
Just finished this earlier today. Met all my expectations. The gadgets just seem to get cooler and cooler. But i agree that as soon as i finished i wanted a sequel. I'd love to see one set in gotham city, you could use the batmobile to drive around the city to different locations and buildings to solve puzzles and beat up bad guys etc. With so many great villains to choose from it could be awesome. Firefly, man-bat, ra's al ghul could all make great boss battles. Here's hoping. Fingers crossed.
just started playing through on hard mode. i don't like how you have to complete all the challenge modes to get 100%. the predator modes aren't that bad, but the combat modes are retarded hard.
just started playing through on hard mode. i don't like how you have to complete all the challenge modes to get 100%. the predator modes aren't that bad, but the combat modes are retarded hard.

thats what i said when i played the combat modes.. you pretty much have to get retarded combo numbers like 30 or higher in the later rounds, not get hit, and manage to land just about every move in his move list. i went for the freeflow perfection achievement or whatever its called every round just to get high variations. my biggest tip would be only takedown the knife wielders and just keep your combos up on the others. dont be afraid to throw baterangs or bat hook enemies. also take your time on the ones except shock and awe. i beat shock and awe extreme's high score three times and had the time run out before i finally got it:banghead
Guess the main problem for a sequel would be where to set the next game.
The only possible places I could think of would either be the rebuilt Blackgate or
Wayne Manor (Bruce holds a charity function, Penguin or someone bursts in)

It doesn't have to be a Batman is trapped somewhere type of game. We could get a sandbox Grand Theft Auto type game where you can go anywhere in Gotham stopping crimes.

Like one mission could be Two-Face robbing the Gotham Second National Bank so you go and bust up his thugs and have a small scuffle with Two-Face and he flees and you give chase but he gets away. Do things like that eventually leading up to a final fight with each villain resulting in their incarceration. Several missions like that where you just do what the Dark Knight does. They can also throw some of the mechanics of the Arkham Asylum game in there to make them feel the same and I'd be pleased.
I was thinking the grand theft auto thing with driving around gotham in the batmobile solving other crimes and such, investigating murders or somthing and linking into a big story. I think there'd have to be a main story to really get into it. Hopefully written by Paul Dini again.
Yeah if they can make it GTA style and give it a solid story that all comes together in the end, then they have an awesome game.
I just don't envy them having to come up with a way to top this game.

An interesting way I guess would be something like the No Mans land scenario where different villains have carved out territory for themselves in the aftermath of an Earthquake. This could limit the areas Batman can go whilst keeping it focused in a plausible way.
Not another new box set, bought them all when they were released in the series sets. Then they released a box set with a bonus disc which I'd love to see but am not splashing out for again. And now they're releasing again!

Guess the main problem for a sequel would be where to set the next game.
The only possible places I could think of would either be the rebuilt Blackgate or
Wayne Manor (Bruce holds a charity function, Penguin or someone bursts in)

I was thinking the grand theft auto thing with driving around gotham in the batmobile solving other crimes and such, investigating murders or somthing and linking into a big story. I think there'd have to be a main story to really get into it. Hopefully written by Paul Dini again.

Yeah if they can make it GTA style and give it a solid story that all comes together in the end, then they have an awesome game.

A good model for a free-roaming sandbox-type title for the next in this series to follow would Be Spider-man, web of shadows. The story is there, the free-roaming is there. A little bit of work to open up and interiors to, say about 20-30% of the buildings would be a good place to start. Even if the building interiors are more or less generic, it could, and would still work.
I think it would lose a little something of what made Arkham special in that each area is unique.

If it was a theme park attraction (like Islands of Adventure) I'd love to walk around in it.
Thing is an more open world can work very well with Batman. If the game takes place at night right there 85% of the pedestrians are inside, you there would hardly be any innocents and by standers on the streets. But just enough for Bats to rescue. And just like in GTA or Infamous, Gotham can be broken down into sections cut by rivers or something of the sort.

Add that going to the Wayne Manor and the batcave to rest and upgrade, it can be awesome.