Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Finished it now just 40 more of the riddle things left to get and i loved every second of it, really awesome game.

Hope they make another one in the city this time. :banana
Wow, I just finished story mode. What a fantastic game! It's like the movie Die Hard, except with Batman.

I loved all the attention to detail in this game. Having Paul Dini from the animated series and comic books write this was a fantastic choice -- the storyline for the game actually made sense, for a change.

Kevin Conroy as Batman is always good, but I think Mark Hamill delivered his best performance as the Joker for this one. Fantastic work all around!

Normally, I don't feel too interested in getting all the trophies and hidden secrets in a game, but I think I probably will for this one, because the world is just so immersive.

Really hope the sequel is at least as good, but I share concerns over where they can go from here.
for those that have beat it and started a second playthrough on a harder difficulty are you able to keep all of your upgrades and gadgets from the begining or do they start all over again?
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Am playing through challenge now, damn some of them are hard!
I got into Arkham Care's log in website

if you put in guard number 125845712 (Frank Boles) it lets you in and allows you to set up a new log in.

There's some quite cool stuff in there, security cam feeds, e-mails, how to approach a patient.

Once Inside
Gretchen Westler's Password is Horowitz (Gives you access to Cam feeds from Killer Crocs Sewer)
Sarah Cassidy's Password is Garianne (You can find it in Zsasz's cam feed from Westlers account) - Botanical Garden Password - nightshade (tricky one that, the clue is the latin name for Deadly Nightshade Atropa B = Atropa Belladonna commonly known as Deadly Nightshade)
Dr Steve Kellerman's Password is Edinburgh (quite a long trip through the gardens security cams and some googling to find the location)

Still trying to get into Young's Account
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Am playing through challenge now, damn some of them are hard!

its true
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Kinda becoming obsolete, with the game out for XBox and PS but for us PC users...

New Hiscore on the PC demo!

Deckard, I guess you'll see this after you get the game proper as I know you are avoiding this thread for fear of spoilers! :D

Also, seen the game on XBox and PS, the graphics are noticeably better on the PC. So the universe is just and it all equals out! :monkey5


its true
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Nope, nope and nope.

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Also, seen the game on XBox and PS, the graphics are noticeably better on the PC. So the universe is just and it all equals out! :monkey5
i would certainly hope so. it would be a major kick to the ballz if they didn't make the game look better for computers that can utilize $500+ video cards.
Also, seen the game on XBox and PS, the graphics are noticeably better on the PC. So the universe is just and it all equals out! :monkey5


:duh :duh :duh

Also, that picture doesn't look very good. Looks like low settings or something.
On a completely silly tangent -- when Batman dangles from the gargoyles, how the heck does he keep his cape from dropping down and covering his head? :google
:duh :duh :duh

Also, that picture doesn't look very good. Looks like low settings or something.

Actually, it IS on low setting. My comp needs a clean-install and the game was lagging on highest setting. I'm running an NVidia GeForce 8600 GT. I'm thinking of upgrading just for this baby. :D
