Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Less then 12 hours....I'm so excited I've had an erection for the past 6 hours. I should probably see a doctor about it
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Gamefly shipped it to me today. I don't have the money to buy it right now. But the cool thing with Gamefly is that I can keep the game as long as I want. Eventually I can buy it from them for a discounted price too. :)

same here i'll buy it soon it should be 44.99
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I have both an Xbox 360 and a PS3. Which console is better for Arkham Asylum and Arkham City? I am guessing it comes down to controller preference. I favor the 360 controllers, but I'm afraid my system is going to go RROD any day now and I don't want to replace it if it does. Does either controller configuration work better for these games? Any feedback is appreciated.

PS3 is a much better quality, more powerful console than 360 which is cheap American crap, IMO..Go with the PS3 version

I got it on the PS3 and I have both myself... I only got it on the PS3 because I have the original on it (for the Joker Content)

But if you want to choose, I say the xbox version as the gamepad is that much better than the PS3's. I've got the game and played it for an hour last night... The PS3 controller is clumsy! I've just come off playing Gears of War 3 and I always find the PS3 controller annoying to start using again!

The game is great BTW... It feels Fresh but familiar... Can't waited to get into it more!!!
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)





Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

G4's Review of AC

Batman: Arkham City is one of the greatest games ever made. Period.

I tried to find any reason not to give Batman: Arkham City a perfect mark. I went in looking for flaws, for mistakes, for missteps. Surely there would be some foolish design choice, some subpar voice acting, some glitch that I could lance in my ever-so-clever review, that I could use to whip the fans into an angry frenzy. This game, I vowed, could not be perfect; surely, I would find something. But hours passed, days. The credits rolled. I kept playing. Twenty-six hours of gameplay after I spun up the disc, only 67% complete by the game’s telling, I dropped my controller, shaking my head.

You win, Rocksteady. You beat me. This game is perfect.

Read more:

Apparently the guy at G4 liked it.

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

___!!how awesome is the Catwoman gameplay in that utube clip!!
VERY nice..whips and all ;)
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

My game finally shipped from Amazon today! I'm surprised they waited until today to ship it. Seems like having it accidentally arrive a day or 2 early would be better than overnighting all of these, especially the larger Collectors Editions. :dunno
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Just a few more hours till the midnight release. Not sure how long I'll play after I get home but I'll get some gaming in.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Yeah, saw this on FB. SS posted it to their profile its pretty damn funny.