Doctor Who
Super Freak
I have a spare code for PS3 to play as Robin that I'm looking to trade for a code to play as Robin for X360. Anyone able to help me out?
Just finished the main story. The whole scene from the helicopters destroying Arkham and the climb up Wonder Tower was EPIC!
Like a few others here, I do kinda think Hugo's role was underplayed though. They could have done more with the whole secret identity thing.
The Harley pregnant thing - do not like. Hope that gets deliberately dropped if they make another sequel.I didn't mind the inclusion of Ras, but I really wish they'd left him out until the point he kills Hugo - that would've been a much better suprise twist IMO.
I'm also very shocked they killed off Joker. Can't believe they went through with it. Something tells me they could find a way to bring him back though if they really wanted to.
Is it 100% clear if Talia is dead or not?
Clayface could have survived I suppose since he fell into the Lazarus Pit.
All in all I have to say the game is incredible though, just gliding around AC beating up random thugs is worth it alone. Really enjoying the Riddler's involvement this time around too - can't wait to get face to face with him!
Stupid question here....are the alternate costumes playable in the main story or only in the challenge maps like they were in AA?
The main part? Like mmmm 8-10 hours prolly.
Can anyone help me on why my damn cryptographic sequencer wont let me unlock certain panels so I can get riddler trophies?