Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm glad I don't give a rats rump about all those extra skins. Sounds like it might me crazy trying to get them all no matter how they are released. :)
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I wasn't referring to the add-on's, I was referring to the concept of money. If you're so tight that you _____ about DLC, then it's probably not a good idea to be buying $200 toys.

I'm not a tight wad at all actually. And for the second time I wasn't complaining. It just seems like a rip-off to me. :dunno It's funny how upset your getting cause I said I didn't want to (but will) pay for something that was already original in the game. And how you'll stay on a corporate's side if its something to do with Batman. Where as if your credit co. Raised there interest rates it would probably tick you off. Unless you like the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer that is.

But anyways. It would be REALLY cool if they did put some of the movie suits in it. Would love to see the 89 suite too. Year one looks the best to me.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm glad I don't give a rats rump about all those extra skins. Sounds like it might me crazy trying to get them all no matter how they are released. :)

Same here. If I have any extra skin on whatever version I buy, I might use it some, but not much.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm not a tight wad at all actually. And for the second time I wasn't complaining. It just seems like a rip-off to me. :dunno It's funny how upset your getting cause I said I didn't want to (but will) pay for something that was already original in the game. And how you'll stay on a corporate's side if its something to do with Batman. Where as if your credit co. Raised there interest rates it would probably tick you off. Unless you like the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer that is.

I'm not ticked off, I just think it's annoying. It's bad enough there's so much _____ing about figures, I just don't want to hear it over here. Also, so what if your Credit Card Company raised their interest rates? At most, you'll have to pay 10 bucks for all of the dlc shown so far, hell, it might even be free. You aren't missing anything either. 90% of the dlc we've seen so far is purely cosmetic, you're still getting all of the same gameplay.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

I'm not ticked off, I just think it's annoying. It's bad enough there's so much _____ing about figures, I just don't want to hear it over here. Also, so what if your Credit Card Company raised their interest rates? At most, you'll have to pay 10 bucks for all of the dlc shown so far, hell, it might even be free. You aren't missing anything either. 90% of the dlc we've seen so far is purely cosmetic, you're still getting all of the same gameplay.

I'm with ya there. If you don't like the figure don't buy it :dunno And just to clear things up, I'm not just bagging on Arkham's DLC plan, but almost's every publisher's plan now since (and I hate to bring it up) MW2 and more recently BLOPS's DLC's.

I'm not sure if you play Assassin's Creed. But in ACII they took out two of the memory segments right out of the middle of the game (they weren't really needed to understand the game but still). And turned around and sold them to us a couple months later. So hearing that Conroy has already been in the recording studio for future DLC just kinda put's me off. When it could be added to retail at day one. Also, I don't know why company's announce DLC before the game is even out.:dunno That puts a bad taste in my mouth as well.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Hearing about Conroy doing Voice Over work doesn't put me off. Just because DLC may come doesn't necessarily mean it's being cut from the game in order to make money, it might not fit into the story. I think of DLC as a way to tide gamers over until the sequel. Would you rather we get everything out of the box and wind up with 2 years of boredom until the next game? Also, HT doesn't sell accessories later, they just make you buy the figure all over again for the new extras.:lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Hearing about Conroy doing Voice Over work doesn't put me off. Just because DLC may come doesn't necessarily mean it's being cut from the game in order to make money, it might not fit into the story. I think of DLC as a way to tide gamers over until the sequel. Would you rather we get everything out of the box and wind up with 2 years of boredom until the next game?
Also, HT doesn't sell accessories later, they just make you buy the figure all over again for the new extras.:lol

That's actually a very good way to look at it. Might start putting my mind like that.

:lol If Hot Toys weren't so damn tempting and cool! I own every single joker from them. And am planning to get the 2.0 as well. I'm such a pushover.:mad:
Re: Batman: Arkham City


New skin. Year One.

Re: Batman: Arkham City

Isn't the stuff that comes out afterwards just extra challenge levels and the like? Nothing that really effects the game. I never get the extra stuff and I've never felt like I'm missing out on something.

That was true with the first game but the strong rumour with this one is that it will be 'chapter based' dlc, so it'll be like additional areas/villains with their own branched off storylines, ala things like Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption, or The Ballad of Gay Tony for GTA4. Things that are pretty much self contained additional side stories taking place in the same basic setting and using the core game infrastructure as a backbone. So it's not like you are missing any of the main storyline or game by not having those additional DLC chapters, instead they are just extra little side adventures as a way to extend the life of a title for those that want them.

This isn't another Assassins Creed situation here - though even in that case, those levels were removed primarily because they couldn't fit all the content on the disc...though that doesn't excuse them selling those levels later as they still should have been free. Mind you, part of that could be down to Microsoft limiting the amount of content that publishers are allowed to offer for free via their xbox live network, as publishers, by contract, are only allowed to offer x-amount of free content for each game release. If anyone is 'the man' in this type of situation, it's microsoft.

Also, from what I've read the main game has around 25 hours or so worth of content (which would include all of the various Riddler challanges and side quests obviously), so it's not like they are shortchanging people on content here to begin with.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City

love that year one skin

right, I don't worry about being able to get them down the road as DLC, I just wonder how much that's going to be. If these skins and challenge maps are $5 each that will add up fast. If I get as much preorder bonus up front, that's less DLC to buy later.

And is the comic exclusive to amazon or is it just the 5 issue AC series out now just bound together?

No, its the digital mini comics that they are binding together. So its the only print form of those comics. I don't do digital, so its the only way for me to complete the collection (got the first game's mini comic from amazon too and already have 4 of the 5 AC comics).
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Actually, it isn't the only way to get them in print form. Later this year, when the AC Hardcover hits, it'll include the Digi-comics as well as the 5 print comics.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Well, its the only way to get them seperately from that and instead of having to buy the 5 other issues again in the HC. I just wish I could snag that TRU Batman figure too. Darned store exclusives!
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Not sure I like that take on Grundy. It makes him look like an Albino Frankenstein's Monster. DC already has a Frankenstein! No need to turn zombie Grundy into one :slap