Batman: Arkham City - Spoilers Allowed!!

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Re: Batman: Arkham City

If you're referring to me specifically ... I don't think those revelations about Deadshot were a spoiler. That stuff was revealed in interviews as the background for Deadshot's design concept, not as a spoiler of the in-game story. The photos of Deadshot in prison garb would seem to have spoiled that he got in as a prisoner.

If you're referring to the revelation that Deadshot is in the game at all ... that's the kind of thing you're bound to get reading a thread like this.


Sigh....I wasn't singling you out, but some people might be avoiding the interviews and such because of the spoilers. Also, it's not much of a hassle to use the "spoiler" tags until the game if officially released.

Someone mentioned infraction points in the Gears thread for spoilers, should we request the same treatment in this thread as well??
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Please try to use spoiler tags when talking about leaked villians and modes in the game. Many people (including myself) have been avoiding this thread because there are too many leaked photos and info being posted.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Honestly, I've always been of the opinion that it isn't a spoiler unless the developer/publisher doesn't want you to know about it.
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Rocksteady said they wanted to make a costume that was partially explained by how Deadshot got to Arkham City. Deadshot apparently had to sneak in disguised as an inmate ... and put together the rest his costume after he was there, so its not Deadshot's regular getup.


Ok...well then, that sounds cool :lecture

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Honestly, I've always been of the opinion that it isn't a spoiler unless the developer/publisher doesn't want you to know about it.

That's pretty much where I am on the matter. If it ain't a secret, it ain't a spoiler.

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Trying to keep away from spoilers these days is hard. Every other day there is more on-set pictures of the avengers and whole websites dedicated to finding out everything by studying the images and attemting to know what happens in the film before seeing it.

Where is the fun in that?

That is why i dont go in the movie threads, or click on articles with images of batmans jet and other stuff, it takes away from the experience of the film.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

That's pretty much where I am on the matter. If it ain't a secret, it ain't a spoiler.



Have to agree here aswell - it's not like any of the information we have right now has been leaked, it's all been given to us by the developers, so it's information they are happy for us to see without spoiling the game in the process.
The developers are constantly shown avoiding questions and telling us they don't want to spoil things - so any info they've given us already isn't a spoiler where they're concerned.

If people don't want to know anything at all about the game, then it's best not to read any thread dedicated to it.
If we can't post about any of the information given to us by the developers - what can we post about in here?
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

:slap This is getting ridiculous. I'm not sure if you guys are willingly dense, blissfully ignorant, or a combination of both.

Releasing information that pertains to the plot of the game/movie/story before the official release of the game is a SPOILER regardless of who publishes it. Doesn't matter if it's the game developer, President Obama, or Joe Snuffy on the corner.

It's stupid for people that want to avoid plot spoilers to avoid the thread when a few inconsiderate Jerks refuse to use the
Spoiler Spoiler:
tags. Is it really that much of a burden???

You've been asked enough times by members and a moderator please be
Spoiler Spoiler:
and use the appropriate tags.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

I'm still not clear on what was said that got you so upset. What was spoiled? Deadshot's involvement? Deadshot's costume?

Best I can tell, I've been told once, vaguely ... by you ... without a reference to the actual cause of the problem. I'm not sure if you're a moderator or not, the thread title didn't say "no spoilers" until this very minute ... and I'm no longer clear on what should or should not be put in spoiler tags because I don't know what the problem is.

All I know is we were talking about Deadshot, and you came in and started vaguely warning people about spoilers ... and then changed the thread title (assuming you're the unidentified moderator that changed the thread title), and referred to everyone as "dense" and "ignorant" when nobody agreed with your complaint.

What showstopping spoiler necessitated all this?

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Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)


Have to agree here aswell - it's not like any of the information we have right now has been leaked, it's all been given to us by the developers, so it's information they are happy for us to see without spoiling the game in the process.
The developers are constantly shown avoiding questions and telling us they don't want to spoil things - so any info they've given us already isn't a spoiler where they're concerned.

If people don't want to know anything at all about the game, then it's best not to read any thread dedicated to it.
If we can't post about any of the information given to us by the developers - what can we post about in here?

Exactly. If its released offically, its not a spoiler. :lecture

Rocksteady has even gone to the lengths of scrambling dialogue in the Catwoman/Two-face video/gameplay they've released. And thats only a line or two from Batman and Catwomen. They felt that was needed but not keeping Deadshot secret. So, not a spoiler.

If someone gets the game early and starts talking about stuff, thats a spoiler. And that should be frowned on.

So stop being a bunch of whiny babies about non-spoilers. If you don't want to see them, stop visiting the thread. :cuckoo:
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Exactly. If its released offically, its not a spoiler. :lecture

Rocksteady has even gone to the lengths of scrambling dialogue in the Catwoman/Two-face video/gameplay they've released. And thats only a line or two from Batman and Catwomen. They felt that was needed but not keeping Deadshot secret. So, no a spoiler.

If someone gets the game early and starts talking about stuff, thats a spoiler. And that should be frowned on.

So stop being a bunch of whiny babies about non-spoilers. If you don't want to see them, stop visiting the thread. :cuckoo:

Thank you. The official moderator clarification is much appreciated. Lets get back to it and quit all the hand-wringing over nothing. People who are that sensitive to even non-spoiler information shouldn't be reading the thread.

Still not sure where I'm preordering. Do any of the US preorder exclusives have an effect on the main storyline, or is it all for "challenges"?

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

If someone is afraid they're posting a spoiler just use the tags. Is that so hard? :lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City

Toys R Us website doesn't seem to have Arkham City listed anywhere. I guess it is an in store only type deal? I mean there is a TRU thankfully a couple of miles from my house but you'd think they'd have something on their site.

I guess I'll check the store after work and see.

Just went there today to preorder

Min 10 per store, they still have the preorders running
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Releasing information that pertains to the plot of the game/movie/story before the official release of the game is a SPOILER regardless of who publishes it. Doesn't matter if it's the game developer...

By this logic, anything related to this game (I.e. news) is a spoiler, as 99.99 percent of the news released thus far is pertaining to the game's plot. This is, for all intents and purposes, a news thread, and by extension, a spoiler thread. Therefore, if you do not want any spoilers, you don't want any news, and if you do not want any news, do not visit a news thread.

Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Exactly. If its released offically, its not a spoiler. :lecture

Rocksteady has even gone to the lengths of scrambling dialogue in the Catwoman/Two-face video/gameplay they've released. And thats only a line or two from Batman and Catwomen. They felt that was needed but not keeping Deadshot secret. So, not a spoiler.

If someone gets the game early and starts talking about stuff, thats a spoiler. And that should be frowned on.

So stop being a bunch of whiny babies about non-spoilers. If you don't want to see them, stop visiting the thread. :cuckoo:

By this logic, anything related to this game (I.e. news) is a spoiler, as 99.99 percent of the news released thus far is pertaining to the game's plot. This is, for all intents and purposes, a news thread, and by extension, a spoiler thread. Therefore, if you do not want any spoilers, you don't want any news, and if you do not want any news, do not visit a news thread.


I vote we change the title of this thread to Batman: Arkham City (SPOILERS) instead of what it is now, then we can openly talk about the game here (even though there are no "spoilers" to speak of) and those who don't want to know anything don't have to visit.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

theres nothing to talk about if we arent allowed to address "leaks".

whats the point of having the thread in the first place? to read the redundant "omg i cant stand the wait" again and again and again?

anything that the developers dont want to spoil for consumers, they have on lock down. i think thats pretty obvious with how very little is still known about the game.

i played it at SDCC and there was nothing that made me think "omgosh im ruining the surprise". theres a lot to be discoverd, over 40 hours worth to be exact..

the biggest perk coming to this section of the forum is to get the latest news.. not opinions. just my opinion.
Re: Batman: Arkham City (No Spoilers)

Please try to use spoiler tags when talking about leaked villians and modes in the game. Many people (including myself) have been avoiding this thread because there are too many leaked photos and info being posted.

By this logic, anything related to this game (I.e. news) is a spoiler, as 99.99 percent of the news released thus far is pertaining to the game's plot. This is, for all intents and purposes, a news thread, and by extension, a spoiler thread. Therefore, if you do not want any spoilers, you don't want any news, and if you do not want any news, do not visit a news thread.

Read above.