Super Freak
^ Yes I did actually. Drawing fan art can't be compared to piracy.
Nah, that redesign is fine, the militaristic look works for Thomas Wayne.
The real ugly designs are the TDKR and the disgusting Batman Beyond one, that one is beyond tasteless and nonsensical, not to say retarded.
This one is not nearly as ugly and over-designed as the AK suit, I'd kill to have no paneling and as little armored bits as the Thomas Wayne skin.
And having the cape twist into ominous pointy tips by osmosis is fine...
I think this may be the first skin I actually hate. The Gotham Knight one is by far the ugliest, but I don't give enough of a **** to hate it, and the TDKR skin, with his weird ass head, is a close second, but I think that the reason I hate this one so much is because it was one of my most wanted skins, and it was so easy to execute, and they blew it. I now understand why so many of you hate the AK suit, and that's exactly how I feel here. Rocksteady have fallen into the trap of "just because you can do something, that doesn't mean you should." They've given into the temptation of being able to render every single detail on current-gen consoles, and, because of this, they show no restraint, whatsoever.
The cowl and face look perfect, but I absolutely despise the fact that they've taken a stylistic choice that Andy Kubert and Eduardo Risso took in the design of the character, in the form of the "horns" on the shoulders of the cape and the ruffles along his collar bone and tried to rationalize them into a ribbed collar and giant, horned shoulder pads. Then, there's the pants, and the guns that he never used in the book. I don't get it, and I'm sick of it.
No, It's the same style, different approach, why does it have to lose style by having purpose? Answer, it doesn't, it a comic book character after all.
So if having style and purpose makes it stupid, having style without purpose just makes it stupider.
I think this may be the first skin I actually hate. The Gotham Knight one is by far the ugliest, but I don't give enough of a **** to hate it, and the TDKR skin, with his weird ass head, is a close second, but I think that the reason I hate this one so much is because it was one of my most wanted skins, and it was so easy to execute, and they blew it. I now understand why so many of you hate the AK suit, and that's exactly how I feel here. Rocksteady have fallen into the trap of "just because you can do something, that doesn't mean you should." They've given into the temptation of being able to render every single detail on current-gen consoles, and, because of this, they show no restraint, whatsoever.
The cowl and face look perfect, but I absolutely despise the fact that they've taken a stylistic choice that Andy Kubert and Eduardo Risso took in the design of the character, in the form of the "horns" on the shoulders of the cape and the ruffles along his collar bone and tried to rationalize them into a ribbed collar and giant, horned shoulder pads. Then, there's the pants, and the guns that he never used in the book. I don't get it, and I'm sick of it.
You don't care what I say yet you keep trying to justify one over the other.Because taking a part of the cape that was enhanced for dramatic effect by the artist, and trying to find the logical reason for the "horned" shoulders in a more grounded redesign by turning them into horned shoulder pads is, and always will be, completely stupid, and nothing you can say will change my mind. The irony is that they're trying to find a practical reason for them by turning them into pads, yet it's totally impractical. Why would his shoulder pads be horned?
Before you say "Why would his cape be horned," again, I reiterate, it's a stylistic choice made by the artist to give Batman more of an ethereal "creature of the night" quality. It's supposed to defy explanation, whereas horned shoulder pads enhance nothing, they just make you want to say "why are his shoulder pads so pointy?"