Can't be. In "Oranginz" Baleman had no Robins or Barbara, just a lonely Nolanish growling brute.
WB Montreal probably just reusing same designs or even models.
I'm almost sure Red Hood is the AK. I'm wondering if the Red Hood DLC will show the transition to him becoming the AK, if he indeed the AK of course.
Can't be. In "Oranginz" Baleman had no Robins or Barbara, just a lonely Nolanish growling brute.
WB Montreal probably just reusing same designs or even models.
So, RS were lying?
So... Arkham Knight: 6ft 1, voiced by troy baker, younger than Batman, uses profanity, kills people.
Red Hood: 6ft 1, voiced by troy baker, younger than Batman, uses profanity, kills people.
Both have the same build and similar mask structures. Is the Red Hood dlc a prelude to him dropping the mantle and changing to Arkham Knight? Arkham Knight also kills members of Joker gang? Why???
They wanted to include a particular scene that couldnt be in a T game? Young Jason Todd beat with a crowbar and left for dead perhaps? Mark Hamill supposedly going for voice over work recently?
Hmmm....mayb.....wait Im probably wrong. Or am I? no ye......Somebody out there knows....
Looks like WB Montreal is helping with the Arkham Knight DLC as seen in the last two trailers for Harley Quinn and Red Hood. This makes sense, since WB Montreal will be taking over the Batman games after Arkham Knight.
Isn't that still speculation? Or did they finally announce something?
If people really think that this is the LAST Batman game they are sadly mistaken. And WB Montreal is working on the dlc. It's been at the end of two trailers now. It's not just a mistake.
It might be the joker. Haha.
If people really think that this is the LAST Batman game they are sadly mistaken. And WB Montreal is working on the dlc. It's been at the end of two trailers now. It's not just a mistake.
I agree, I doubt this will be the last Arkham game. But.... I have a feeling it could possibly be the last Batman only Arkham game. Something tells me they might try to expand the Arkham brand out into other DC superheroes too like they did with Lego Batman. I don't know why, I just get that feeling. Like Batman gets really popular in something, so the powers that be try to shoehorn other heroes in for more mileage. I hope that doesn't happen though. I'd prefer they stick to just Batman-centric characters.